drying corn in freezing air


Well-known Member
, there is lot of proven wisdom on this board,, so help me out guys ..// not sure if I did the rite thin for sure . i ran the grain fans today in zero temps brite sunshine ,, wanted to cool the grain down that was at 50 degrees when it was shelled serveral days ago,, always thought it was a good idea to get the grain cold,,but based this on a few ideas of my own ,, i.e freez drying ??? ..
Humidity is the key.Dry air means dry corn.Yes cold wet corn will store longer than warm wet corn.But dry air is key.Ihad corn down to 12-14% this fall.Aerly December,a storm,then an inversion with high humidity came through.Moisture jumped 2-4 points.It was cold(3+ weeks of below 0 to freexing)but corn remained 'wet'.It is just now getting back to 15%.This is in DRY western Colorado.Your results may be different.
Cold corn will store well but keep and eye on it as the winter sun on a warm day can make condensation and start corn to rotting. Usually on the south side. I never had it happen to me, but a neighbor lost some corn a few years ago in Feb.

If you store it long enough, you will need to warm the corn back up.
I try to get my grain as cold as possible and NEVER warm it up in the spring. I take the corn out early because I just air dry it. Have corn bins empty with moisture that ran from 18.5 to 16. Just waiting for that $5 corn.
Here,I always run the fan on corn or beans......freeze it in the Fall after harvest, warm it up in the Spring, several times over a few weeks, to bring it up to ambient temps.

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