I See His Point

Dat WT

New User
I read the message on Free Labor! I found it to be an interesting subject and the comments of pro and con were chain reactions to its subject content. I am inveigle with the old shop owner on the idea of letting people feel free to pay as they feel. I myself understand his will to work ethics! One must take into consideration that this man has worked all his life at a trade that is dying and is becoming non personal as big companies take over the industry.We The tractor owners should rejoice to have some one like him to care for by giving him business and paying with our heart felt feelings. As for those of you who can only think in terms of under the table, non tax payer, shady out to beat the upstanding Government we live under maybe you need to look at what is the true values of having someone like him helping you to help yourself! My thought are he is old, lonely and this is all he knows. My prayers go out to all the older people who try to help make this Country a better place to live!
Well OK, But one must also take into consideration that most of us on here ARE the old farts that have done what the old man have done, AND we HATE Wally Mart.
I am still a relatively junior fart but I hate wal mart too and have not been in one since I was abut 14 or so.
I are gettin old, but far from lonely. I dislike wally world and micky D's, but go there from time to time. I don't have to work any more, an the gubbmint still pays me, as well as the azzholes at Ma Bell where I worked. So, now, I piddle in the shop and farm. I'll fix something for someone else, or clear a lane or three and not ask for a paycheck. Quite often, the folks have a few acres that I farm to keep the ground in decent shape. They don't ask me for a rent check, and I plow their gardens and keep the lane clear in the winter. Evryone happy. Citidiots come out and think I should plow their lanes out, too. Nope. Done too many for nary a thanks. And the ten bucks to patch up a mower deck and a 'Thanks' is more than enough pay. Enough for another six-pack....
Well I am also with Dat, on what he said for I am also a retired shop owner. I have a shop setting idle with over a $100,000.00+ shop equipment, tools and shop manuals gathering rust and dust. I have thinker with the Idea of turning the lights back on but with all the Government paper work and taxes, insurance, and being 63 years old I feel That after 46 years of fighting to keep above water why drown now! To many young people today do not know what it is like to grow up in a world where work is something you want and enjoy doing! I grew up in the world of my fathers farm equipment business. The skills I learned and the experience I have can never to taken away or bought they will die with me! I would rather share my gift and be paid with a gift card then to set in a chair in a Nursing Home and waste away. I also see the old shop owners idea of helping others and staying busy.
I'm only 53 and wally world is only store with in 10 miles of home that doesn't charge almost $5.00 for a package of Oreos.
Kroger near me usually charges about $3 for Oreos and sometimes 2/$5.

WalMart does have better prices on Nabisco Ginger Snaps and carries Land O Lakes snack cheese, the 2 reasons I sometimes buy food at WalMart.

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