another nice kitty picture


Well-known Member
taken a few miles from our place , sure getting a bunch of em around these might be some of the same ones from behind our house last spring, then again they may be different ones
neat pic thanks for posting---long article in LA Times this week on big cats inbreeding cause they are hemmed in by freeways....
holy cats i would fill my britches if i seen 1 of those in my backyard guessing your not from ohio lol but really where are you located
nm, big cats, and black bear are very common around here , we always have to open our eyes when out on the range, as the saying goes out here , its not how many of these cats you see, its how many of them are watching you, and how far away from you
they dont seem to bother the cattle too much, sheep though is a whole different matter, these cats even go up into ruidoso, and hang out in town, all the tourists put out feed for the deer, so the deer naturally stay in town, they cant figure out that if the deer stay in town the critters that eat deer also come in to town the paper a few weeks ago had a pic of a cougar laying on a lawn in a high end subdivision in broad daylite watching whatever there was to watch, deer, poodles ect
Looks like the one is filling the tank! Pardon my ignorance, but are those cougars? Never seen one for real, even though our local high school's athletic teams are "The Cougars".
Are you anywhere near Silver City? If so, you might go to the cemetery there and invoke the spirit of the old lion-killer, Ben Lilly (google him if you've never heard of him). He dispatched quite a few cats in your area.
Can you shoot them?
What state are you in? Location?
I would for sure put them down, not safe having predators like that.
Geez! I'd be a pistol packin' mama 24/7.

I think those things can jump/spring about 15 feet from a complete stand-still.
the law is kind of a gray area on protecting these cats now ,they used to be protected, but now there are so many of them that if there on range where livestock is present not much is said if these accidently get shot , nm has always been open carry, firarms fully loaded, are also allowed in vehicles and houses, concealed carry permits are avalible too, of course these rulls dont apply to convicted felons
those are placed to allow small critters to climb out if they fall in the tank while drinking, so the water doesnt get poluted by dead carcases
I was bored that we get deer, coyote, turkey etc. but you can have that. Hunting is not as much fun when I am the hunted!
That's a rare picture as you never see two big cats together except when mating or as cubs.
Beautiful animals and great to them running across a field at over 30 MPH you haven't anything til you have heard one scream running down the road in the middle of the night. They travel in a large about 50 mi. Radius and come around about every 6 months.
Onetime while camping on the river I was 14 just out of grammar school and when we woke in the morning there were cat tracts all around us. I had two front paws about 6 in. Right in front of my face. I thought it was neat my buddy atom was scared to death and want to go right home.
Nebraska now has a mountain lion season, there's a couple units where they have permits available, and the rest of the state is open season, due to a low likelihood of a breeding population getting established.
these are cougars, also known as mountain lions or puma, nothing to mess with, there one of natures most effecient killing machines

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