ot Question from Teal


Well-known Member
Hello to all you animal lovers ! My name is Teal and I am a 13 yr old Shetland Sheepdog. I've had a very good life,some would say spoiled. I've been losing quite a bit of weight in the last 6 mos. and even though it doesn't show because of all my fur, my bones are pretty easy to feel. I went to the Vet 2 weeks ago because my owner thought I was laboring to breath something wasn't right. They took an x-ray and found a lot of fluid in my lungs and put me on Laysiks (sp) to get rid of it. Seems to have done the trick but now there just doesn't seem to be anything I want to eat. They have tried everything from raw and cooked burger to ensure to ham and you name it. I seem to like it one time but after that I have no appetite for it. I've heard my owner say ,about other dogs in the family, that when they stop wagging their tails it ain't good. I still do just a little when they come home from being away for a while but that's about it. My owner and I have had some talks lately about what to do but we're out of ideas. Niether of us is too happy about the direction my health is going rght now. We realize I'm in my 90,s in human years and we are ready to accept what that brings but we just thought maybe there was something we may be missing that we should be doing and thought about this site and all the years of experience with animals there must be accumulated with all the people on here. We are open to any and all ideas and if you think that it is just "that time" would welcome that opinion also. My owner has been through this all before quite a few times judging by all the grave markers out back. I've lost two of my buddies just in the last year. We've been spending quite a bit of time lately sitting together and talking and we are both comming to grips but just wanted to make sure we weren't missing something. Thanks to all for listening and for your input. We will take it a day at a time and enjoy what we're given. Teal & Randy.

Teal and Randy,

We have two little terriers with pancreas problems. When it flares up they like white rice, well cooked pasta, cottage cheese, and beef baby food. If there is "reverse action" after eating, ask the vet about Reglan. It helps to get the digestive tract running in the right direction.
If there seems to be pain or discomfort in the belly area (not wanting to jump, or laying with front legs out in front and hind quarters up) pancreatitis might be the problem. We treat it with baytril and amoxitab.

I had a much loved dog once that didn't like to eat and this is what work for me and was suggested by my vet. Cover your dogs favorite food with vegetable oil wich will fatten him right up, or if he's not eating because of upset stomach cook rice mixed with cottage cheese. Hope your dog feels better.
Hey Teal, my other half had a beautiful 12 yr old Golden Retriever pup named Bummer and he got to the point he needed her help to get outside and do his duty as his rear hips were giving out. One of the things he would do is try to hide in a corner behind something and just lay there. I knew what that meant. Shortly after that he lost his appetite also and no matter how hard Momma Conni tried he just didnt feel like eating. I knew it was time for Bummer to be able to run like the wind and chase all the kittys and squarles he could find. I cried after I helped him be able to chase them.
Just remember that your owner will never forget you and all the Love you have shared through the years. We still talk about how Bummer used to run and splash in the pond when it was time to leave the horses and go home for the day.
I hope you and your owner can find something thats helps you feel better soon.
Hi Teal, my 13 year old Golden Retriever named Muffin says to hang in there. She's getting very stiff and sore as her hips are giving out on her too. She's been doing an awful lot of laying around these days and doesn't have as much energy anymore either.
Hello , Teal. Tell your owner to get a 2nd opinion. Also might try a product called Cosequin DS, it's for arthritis in dogs. Nothing will take the life out of a dog faster than arthritis.
Good luck and God Bless you and your family.
Hi Teal
My name is Ivan & when my tummy doesn't feel well my daddy makes me some white rice. I eat little bites of it & before long I'm feeling good again. Tell your daddy or mommy to do the same. Well I better go get a treat & then find a toy & go play or I might go lay by the wood burner & take a nap. Ivan
Hi Teal? My name is Jacob
The suggestion of getting a second opinion is one of the best answers given.If there is a animal hospital(not a local vet) where there are specialist for the breed,Make the trip.An insurance policy would help to defray the cost.Before I was given to this family, the fellow before me was named Chino Blue,I was diagnosed for my disease by the local vets,knowing now the cancer that took chino could have been treated with great results,if only a xray and competent vet had been administered in time.

Just like with humans,a second or third diagnosis from a well knowledged vet is better for diagnosis.

Although I am a young whipper snapper at 6 months old,my family has always been strong minded about not having any suffering placed on us.
Also in their discussions, it has been whatever it costs to heal is not a concern.Placing a dollar amount on a family member (which I am) will not be the issue. Just tell Randy,to make every effort to have my health restored so I can continue sharing my affections.

AS your kindred spirit wishing you success in finding out the problem and getting you healed again.
Warmest regards,
Jacob, Lou's family
We greatly appreciate all the kind advise and comments. Teal is holding her own and does eat something different every day but not much of it. She has no problem with keeping it down. Maybe some vegetable beef tomorrow . It was chicken and some peanut butter on toast today. She's always been an outdoors loving dog but she will do like one poster mentioned, if I leave her out she would just lie out there in the freezing snow and freeze to death. I know she's insulated pretty good but I think I know what she's trying to do. Will keep you updated and I try to stay optimistic. So far no pain or suffering and she sleeps very peacefully. Will let her tell me what she wants. Thanks everyone. RB
Make sure you drink plenty of water, even If you"re not feeling like eating. Has your family"s vet considered mirtazapine to help your appetite? Or, are you drinking a lot more than normal? And, did they check your teeth for infections and sore gums? Bad teeth can lead to heart disease and lots of other problems. Hope you feel better soon.
Forgot to suggest that if you haven't had a full blood test panel done by the vet, might ask your family if they'd consider it.

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