loosing a good ole farm girl kinda long

Motherinlaw broke leg just a few inches short of the hip in mid oct.Local surgeon patched her up sent her to rehab. 6 wks into rehab she still has no strength and in pain. take an exray, the rod they put in the leg had come threw the bone and was smashing the hip. take her to lansing to fix that. gets blood clots,clean out arteries put in stints.Stints plug and she looses circulation so they clean the stents. during this time she gets a septice infection. she has been fighting this for 3 weeks and she is just to weak to fight anymore. We moved her to a hospice home where they are just making her comfy
till the good lord calls on her. She has been a wife and mom for over 50 yrs,drove tractors,milked cows, raised 5 kids and is the glue that has kept them all together. this is going to be a very hard loss to take.
on top of that my wife has a cancerous tumor surrounding her pancreas and we are in the process of seeing the specialist that want to remove the pancreas as that is the only way to get the whole tumor. The Drs are trying to get everything in order so this can be done soon and wife just informed them today that its a hold untill mom dont need her anymore. Flusterating but understandable. She should be with her family when the time comes. We will get through this but it is an extremely emotional time. Glad I can get on this site everyday, this is my me time. I count on you fellas to help me clear my mind of my worries.
Hoofer, that's not good. Not many "Farm Girls" like that any more that can and are willing to do that kind of work anymore. I have a aunt that has done and is willing to do anything she can to help out on the farm. She's drove beet truck,cultivated crops corn,beets,beans. Takes care of her family and has always did and always will. I miss those misses too !! Sorry for the expected loss. No pun intended. We all know what that's all about. You and your family will get through this.
Mike I am saddened to hear of your Mother-in-laws declining health. I wish there as a magic pill we could give to good people like your Mother-in-law but we all are here by God's grace.

Just stand by your wife and we will stand by you.
You and your family are in our prayers Mike.
Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help.
We're only a few miles away.
You have our prayers as well. lotsa burden for one family, but please remember that you are not alone! You asked, and you have many more praying for you.....
Just lost my Mom a month ago.Know what your going though.Take it one day at a time.Our prayers are sent.
praying for your family, your mother in law, wife and you, keep us informed as you have time to Mark and Pam
So sorry to hear that. You are in our prayers and we know what you are going through as I lost my mil last October.Good luck and may God bless your family.

We went through this in 1970 with 3 funerals with my dad, father-in-law and a nephew killed in Viet Nam. In 1994 my mom died from a stroke. She was 89. In 1998 my older brother died from a stroke he was only 66 and was married 5 times. My older sister died in 2008. She didn't look very good at Christmas in 2007. Our daughter is a nurse practitioner and she talked to my sister and she told her about a lump on her neck. She told her to get to a surgical clinic and have them take a biopsy of the lump. They removed the lump and told her the results were not good. It was Non Hogdkins Lymphoma and she wasn't going to survive as it spreads fast. She only lived about 4 months and was skin and bones. Hospice care came every day and kept her on pain killer. She was 79. Hal
Finding peace in a storm of misfortune is a personal effort. Place faith in the fact that giving comfort and understanding to others brings it upon yourself. Remove obstacles as much as possible with gracefluness so others paths are clear. Share rememberances. Take a digital mini recorder and have Her tell stories of her childhood or other important or lesser known fun times (or events not fun but game changing) Finding strength in them will provide all with support. Jim
Mike sorry to hear of your mother-in-law. I also understand your wife wanting to wait on her surgery BUT I would encourage her not to wait. Dr.s found a tumor in my wifes leg that was pushing on the sciatic nerve, it was about the size of a walnut. Found out she was pregnant shortly after that. Surgeon told wife that she could possibly lose the baby if they done surgery. She decided to wait. 5 weeks after he was born she had surgery and the tumor was 4 1/2 pounds. This then set off a myriad of surgeries and cancer treatments that lasted 8 yrs. She passed away Aug. 31 2013. Since that first surgery we have had many family members that had surgery while pregnant and came through fine. Maybe if she had not waited all she went through could have been avoided. One of those things that I will never know this side of the grass. Just my two cents worth.
Only the best for you and your family.
My Mother is planning a very dangerous surgery on her heart, since I am her proxy I'll be there. When it is her time to go, I'll be standing alone as my sister passed about a year ago from cancer.
Praying that you and your family will find strength and peace in the Good Lord during this time, and also prayers for your wife as she battles her health concerns.

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