I don't believe it.


Well-known Member
If you look at date on the right side of my magazine it says
February 1,2014. Wow, this is the first time in I don't know how
long I've received my magazines on time. I don't know if
anyone else has problems with postal service delivery, but I
called The Blood Horse, after getting there weekly publication
2 weeks late a few times thinking its was there fault, they said
it goes out on such and such date, it's you post office that's the
problem! I also recieve a paper called Country Folks, that was
coming on Saturday, then I start getting it on Mondays, couple
of weeks later, they had a paragraph about the postal service
changing the delivery days. That dosent bother me, but when
several times I get a weekly magazine 2 weeks late that's
ridiculous. What gets me is our bills are never late! Lol, how's
the post office service in your area?
I for some reason always appreciated USPS, saturdays included,its been very helpful over the years. I support and use the service, I don't get too much junk mail, which is a good thing. The only thing that stands out and I really cannot say for sure why, is an alumni publication I receive from NYU, I can recall things being sent, to notify you of an event, that arrived after the event or just before it. Now, most if not all of that is done by email. Donation requests always seem to be punctual though LOL !

What is interesting is the delivery times, it gets later leading up to the holidays, or when a new driver is working the route, none of which concerns me, I always wave and make sure to be friendly to all of them, in appreciation for the service they provide, some may disagree, but it works for me.
Yes, I agree, better late than never too! I have also received things in the mail "after the event date" lol oh well, I was suprised when I went to the mail box today.
We are on a rural route and I can't say we really ever had a problem. The only real problem we ever had was about 30 year's ago. Bill payment's we sent to St. Louis would never arrive. Started to send them Certified a few times without any problems. Went back to sending regular mail later and no more problems. No checks were ever cashed so never did figure out what was wrong.
I get a farm paper that comes every Wednesday.Last week it came on Friday with jelly stains in the middle.I quess the postman read it while eating breakfeast.A neighbor said he got a magazine with an add cut out.At least once a week I get someone else's mail.
The mailman slogan goes something like, Neither snow,nor rain, nor heat nor gloom of nite shall keep them from delivering our mail. No mention of ice tho. I live north of Atlanta and this week ice stopped everything. No mail yet since Tuesday.
Overall they do very well.
Well I filled out a change of address card. Five years ago.Still getting mail at my moms house. Small town and everyone knows each other.Not that big a deal. But I did fill out the card.

I called Country Folks about the slow delivery 3-4 years ago. Pretty soon the post master was saying that he had to fill out a form and send it to his boss every time one came. It is not unusual to get them a week late, so that auctions have already happened. Then some times we have gotten two of them on the same day. I'm not blaming the Post Office.
I was going to post that too but I didn't, Ive received the
country folks after Macfaddens has already had his auction in
the past! Lol
I've worked with thoroughbreds for 24 years, so I like to keep
up to date and follow racing, breeding ect.
I have worked with thoroughbred horses for a long time too. I always end up broke with a pocket full of worthless tickets.
For those that are getting the Country Folk, switch to e~delivery or web version.

I can read it with ease online.

If you're unsure about it, subscribe to both. Better yet, ask them for a trial.

I like it.
Whaty steams me is when I subscribe to a magazine and I get mine 2-3 weeks after it's on the news stand. That ain't right.
When I lived in Huber Heights, Ohio, if something came addressed to me with Huber Height's ZIP code, or I mailed something across town from the apartment, it took a week minimum extra to get there. Mail it to me at Huber Heights, but with Dayton's ZIP, it came in the normal time.

I let my Popular Mechanics subscription expire. I could get it at Wally's-mart 2 weeks sooner. They've been getting pretty light-weight lately too, along with Popular Science.

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