I don't wanna go!

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
-13° out there and the critters need fed. Bet that old tractor is gonna grunt in protest this morning! :>(

Hey! You wanted to raise cattle in paradise so get out there! I had a farmer come here to school from central America, stayed two years and worked on local farms. He could not understand why we tried to raise cattle up here when you could graze year around down there. He said we just play with hay all the time!
I'm done,just waiting for the snow to stop so I can go push some more of it around. No point moving it when it's still coming down.
My old 84 chevy and the shovels had no problem digging out the thawed ground at 5:45 am from a burial grave we need to get done by Thursday afternoon. chris
Ah and white man took most from the indians to late to turn back now.I feel your pain and we have a long ways to go.Next month has two new moons more craziness to come.Scott
That's the first thing I thought of too, Walt.

"Please Mr. Custer, I don't wanna go"

Darn, now I've gotta look that song up. . .
-6 here in ID. I turned the cat heaters off, let the chickens out, and am now back inside thinking about you suckers out there in the snow. :p Oh well, thats farming right? Pretty nice sun rise though, clear sky, and a bright yellow thing! Have fun, and stay warm! Bryce
Oh boy, I would not disagree, there will be some groaning by those red things you have for sure, well you'll probably rather have the foot of snow we just got and temps in the mid 20's, of course, and even if I had bigger ones, I'd always have to have one stashed in my heated garage like my only one is now, no groaning at least. They sure do make all kinds of funny noises in that kind of cold weather.
-26 here this morning. I watched the wife bundle up this morning to go feed her chickens,ducks, and cats so I know it is cold out. I don"t feed the critters until this afternoon. Night time feeding, daytime calving. Worked for me last year so am doing it again this year. Bud
By the way, the pickup is in the garage with the wood stove.30+ degrees.
yuck , I feel for you ,,,, are you startin a gasser ? or do you pluggin a diesel Allan?,, either one that cold mite be tuf ,, I knew we were gonna get ice here in southern ind , so I fed up cows good yesterday with round bales ,,got them all in the the front 3 acre pasture nearly all winter so they can go in the barn ,, where I feed them some nice square meal ...that's where they all are now ,,I probably wont start anything today ,,low 20s heading to single digits tonite , half inch ice on everything ,,, about every minute or so I hear the woods all around me going snap , crackle and Pow Pop...had the sme scit back in 2009 ... THIS WINTER HAS BEEN A MEAN sun Dagun ,,.
And ya'll wonder why some of us would rather live down heah in the south. Its almost 60 degrees here today. At least before the next winter comes through we'll be able to see the grass, still brown, but can see it.

The '88 Chevy says no-dice; '98 started, but with loud protest. Yep, we'll be plugging in that gasser under the loader this morning.....

There was a cartoon (Frazz)in yesterday"s paper about cold weather:
Kid says "Bet you wished you lived in Florida right about now".
Frazz says "It comes down to which three months you want to spend mostly indoors, and going back into a warm house feels cozier than air conditioning. Also, you can"t shovel away 100 degrees and humidity".

I have an Army buddy living in Houston; guess what they do June - September.

The oft-quoted sign by a small burg in ND says it all for some northerners: "We like our weather, it keeps the riff-raff out!".

No offense, but funny it is.

I always tell people here in Wisconsin "Don"t keep wishing we lived in a warm climate, because then everybody would want to live here and we would then just be another over-crowded Atlanta, Miami, Houston or Phoenix."

The worse our weather, the fewer the people, and the less we have to dead-bolt our doors at night. We are, indeed, blessed.
LA in WI
I waited until 0900 to feed, was up to -6 when I went out, just finished, now up to -5. BRRRR We feed with a pickup w/hydra bed. When it's this cold it gets to stay in the shop, no heat in shop but with the block heater plugged in it works good for us. I still wouldn't trade what I do now for anything. Plus I live in one of the least populated counties around. Powder River co. mt.
I remember the Custer song too. Don't remember the artist. Also "Three Wheels on my Wagon." Couldn't make either today. The PC police would have your hide.

well you aren't going to get them fed sitting here jacking around on the computer are you? As much problems as those old binders give you I think I would find something better to farm with

That's what one of the privates said to Mr. Custer, too..!!

"Please Mr. Custer, I DON'T wanna GO"...!!!


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