Some people ask for advise???


Well-known Member
I had a long time friend call me to ask my opinion about a tractor he was going to look at. We made a local appointment to see the tractor and when we arrived, I was surprised to see the condition of the tractor--considering the asking price.
The tractor was a 135 MF with gas engine. Idle was set really high and I asked if I could turn the idle screw down. I got a quick NO!
Tractor smoked a little but was reasonably quiet.
Since his asking price was $2,500 that would have been a great deal!
While speaking in private to my friend, I advised him to pass because the high idle may be hiding an engine problem that the owner is aware of, Especially since he wouldn't allow a simple idle reduction.
Well--he bought the tractor and we towed it to his home.
I turned the idle down and THERE IT WAS--engine knock and the lift was slow, and jerking at idle !!
I hated to tell him he was own his own but I am no longer able to do this kind of work.
Since these tractor are still good sellers, he may be able to come out ok but I don't know--I just hope so.
Why do people ask for advise and then not accept it????
Very simple they want o know what you think so if they do buy it and find it to be not as what they believed they can then kick them self since they where told to pass. I see it all the time
If you figure the reason for that out, there's probably about 500 married men here that will pay good money for the answer! In your case, your friend got emotionally invested in buying that tractor and at that point he no longer wanted any advice, unless it was favorable. At least he cant come back and complain that you didn't warn him! Probably happens to all of us at one point or another.
All is not lost! The glass is still half full! The lift problem could be
down to a partially clogged filter and heavy or frozen water in the
oil. 15W30 oil is best for these tractors lift matter
what the book says! We have proved it for years. New bearings may
help the engine to live for a few more years if the shaft is not
scored....I would assume the tractor is still quite cheap?.........
My wife's uncle is like that. I hate when he calls for advice because he is just looking for validation. His mind is made up before he calls and if I advise opposite he just argues hoping to change my mind.
Quite a few years ago I attempted to get a used car inspection service going as kind of a side line to my auto collision business. For only $40 would give it the twice over and guaranteed I would save them more than $40 on the deal even if we found nothing wrong. Couldn't stand to see all the young vulnerable people getting ripped off. Did quite a bit of advertising an as you are guessing, I had ZERO responses. They fall in love and just don't want to hear the truth. Kinda like the guy below said about 500 married men. Kinda like people who voted Barry.
Don't they have MF Perma-Tran oil over there? 15W30 is not a common oil, 15W40 is for diesels though. $2500 for a running 135 isn't that bad of a price even if needs some work. Your friend still should have at least tried to talk the guy down, especially after he wouldn't let you turn the idle down. That should have been a big red flag. Could be your friend just wanted to be the proud owner of an MF 135 and that's not such a bad thing.
I have the same problem. With small generators. I tell people don't buy them. But they do anyway. Then they come crying to me. Because it is now broken and no one will work on it. Or the 1500 watt genest won't carry my house.

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