Winter is history

I know you guys are tired of all the snow and cold weather but winter is our best season. So excuse me for saying I am sorry to see it go.

Got up to 85 today and while it will be nice next week with the cool front coming threw tonight the heat and humidity of summer is right around the corner.

It will not be long before everyone (at least everyone from the deep south) will be saying....
When will we get a break from this heat and it will cool off a little.

nw alabama, 75 today, storms moving in now. spring peepers out tonight for first time. nice crop of henbit you got.
I agree with Gary - Freezing rain today, temperatures dropping flash freeze tonite with 45 to 50mph winds, - temps projected to drop to single figures again in a couple days. 6" of snow Monday nite Tuesday AM. Shut down schools again Tuesday. I agree with Gary. Hope we see a weekend of summer!
John, Marilyn and I will be close to your neck of the woods in a couple weeks. Will you be home? Those blossoms make me want to be there NOW! It's snowing & blowing here in NWIA. Jim
Old Minnesota joke....... What do you do in the summer? Well, if it comes on a weekend, we usually have a picnic.
Wow, 85F is a pretty warm day in July up here. The apple trees bloom around Memorial Day, but I think they will be late this year. Enjoy the day!
yeah , to bad there is almost some truth to that one,, did you see jonfm post ???,,, those folx up in mn mite just come runnin to cajon country if this mean ol winter don't yield soon ..
Don't care about Monday night, I'll be long gone south by then. Meanwhile winters still on here, and it'll be a while before those big old snow piles melt.
We are currently under a blizzard warning in N.E. Iowa. Barely freezing now but the high for tomorrow is forecast to be 21 deg. with a low of 7. My fridge is filled up. Hopefully this will be the last bad storm of the year.
I think it's too soon to say winter is history. I bet we are in for at least one more wave of bad weather before it's over with.
Yuck! Henbit (cool season broad-leaf weed with small purple flowers.)

Trees in the Dallas area are leafing out and pasture is greening up, too.
Just got ,back from Mesa-Tucson-Amarillo. Nice weather there. Picked oranges & grapefruit in Tucson to bring back to COLD-SNOWY Iowa,but there is still no better place than home. Liveing out of a Motel sucks big time.

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