Low sulfur gasoline. Here we go again . .


Well-known Member
Fed government is now proposing low-sulfur gasoline in a few years. The claim is . . . is will only add a few pennies to the price of fuel and $45 to the price of a new car or truck. Hmmm. Do these guys have NO memory or are they just all liars?? I remember hearing the same story about low sulfur diesel when it was first proposed. Now it's often 50 cents to a full $1 more per gallon then gas. My wife told me to look at the "bright side." Now maybe gas will go up enough to again be the same price as diesel.
I didn't know there was sulfur in gasoline. Must be it goes right through the converter on the cars?

What becomes of all this sulfur they are supposedly taking out of the fuel? I could sure use it to spread on my alkaline ground !
I wish the people from Canada would weight in on the sulfur issue. I don't know if it's ture, but years ago someone claimed that some of the crap we put in the air ends up in Canada polluting their lakes. Sulfur and water makes battery acid, H2SO4, acid rain.
Low sulfur diesel is not the cause of high diesel prices. The sulfur in fuel now makes acid rain for us poor folks down wind. We get to dump loads of lime in our lakes just to keep the fish alive.
If that sulphur could land on farmland and not on the lakes we would have the perfect scenario. My fertilizer man wants me to add a sulphur package to make up for the reduced amount we are getting from above. My soil tests do show a slight deficiency but I am not convinced it is from cleaner air. Jim
It was only a matter of time, and I did read about the Feds intent to do this way back when ULSD was being worked on. It costs up to 25 cents per gallon to get the sulphur content down to 15ppm in diesel fuel (US standard) and will probably cost more to get it out of gasoline. Higher processing costs. It did, in the case of diesel, make more diesel engines available in the US. European diesel standards were 10ppm when US standards were 500ppm. That caused emissions that the European engines couldn't deal with. Now that the US has cleaned up diesel fuel, you will see more Japanese and European diesel engines in the US market. Don't expect anything similar with ULS gasoline, though. Gasoline doesn't have as much sulphur in it to begin with. This is just in response to mega-zealots whose zeal cannot be contained.
It certainly costs more then a "few cents" to remove the sulfur from diesel and then put in the lube-additive that is required.

A lot of lime has to get dumped on our central and Adirondack lakes too. We also have to put a lot of lime in the soil to grow anything decent. Most of that acid is attributed to high factory smokestacks out west and in Canada burning mostly coal.
"...these guys...are...just all liars..."

You added a few too many words, so I cleaned it up for you.

everything is just a few pennies until good old $1 per gallon fuel now costs $4 per gallon.

I guess a they really mean a few hundred pennies
(quoted from post at 07:05:46 03/07/14) Federales will be federales.

There is no stopping them.


All it would take would be for just one engine manufacturer to thumb their nose at the EPA and ignore the new emmisions regulations, and the other mfgrs would soon follow suit. The EPA can't enforce the rules if nobody follows them. It's time to put the shoe on the other foot.
Petro Canada installed sulfur removal equipment on the gasoline line at the Mississauga Southdown Rd refinery in the late 1980's.
Gasoline used to reek of sulfur years ago but it's about as offensive for the past 20+ yrs as ULS diesel or kerosene.
(quoted from post at 06:36:08 03/07/14) I wish the people from Canada would weight in on the sulfur issue. I don't know if it's ture, but years ago someone claimed that some of the crap we put in the air ends up in Canada polluting their lakes. Sulfur and water makes battery acid, H2SO4, acid rain.

It's the other way around. Their air comes down to us from the north or east to us from Windsor Ontario area.

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