Stolen Trailers Update

Traditional Farmer

Well-known Member
Well the Sheriff's Dept from the neighboring county called this morning and said they had my 2nd trailer that was stolen on their truck and they would bring it by my farm if I wanted so they came over with the trailer.The Capt. said they busted several guys that had stolen various things in 4 different counties.Seems the fellows
had not long gotten out of prison and he said they'd probably be going back for a good long stay this time as both my trailers were felonies along with several others.They also recovered the wood splitter that was stolen where my other trailer was dropped so they could hook up to the splitter so that was good.Thats two trailers I thought I'd never see again.
The only thing I ever got back after being stolen was my Schwinn Bicycle. and it had a broken rear axle. You have good luck! Jim
wow ! nice to hear some good news for a change. and it looks like the crooks are getting there's. hope they didn't damage anything.
Sounds like you have some good cops .the ones in my area ar worthless i had a cell phone stole i tracked the person down by the calls they made cops did nothing. got a call from them i had drove off without paying for gas did my on digging turns out owner of gas station just drove around found truck that they thought was the right one and turned in the plate .so your lucky in two things good cops and you got your property back
Good to hear all worked out. This kind of proves that once they get of jail, no jobs for them, they return to crime because, that's the only thing they know. I wouldn't hire them either.

Did the cops find drugs too?
Glad to here that worked out for you.
A very good friend of mine had some items stolen and he called the Sheriff. They came over and basically told him there was nothing they could do for him.
He told them he knew who it was and where it was. Still nothing from the Sheriff.
He then told them they couldn't track a full grown elephant in fresh snow.
Never got his stuff back.
if you lived in New York you would know that Gov. Cuomo has proposed free college to all prisoners, of course it saves the taxpayers money down the road. Bill
Cops around here are mostly interested in D.W.I. or BIG cases like murder.
When a old woman didn't feed her horses as she was completely outa hay she was arrested and plastered all over the news.
When a retired from farming (now driving truck) guy let 2 of his ex-GF 4 horses die from starvation (with a 48' trailer full of hay on the property) they didn't even take the other 2 away from him.
Get something stolen? Good luck!!!
Great to hear yours kept up on your situation and got your trailers back.
I knew a math teacher that once a week, taught a night class at a state prison. Her class had a captive, with a prison guard. If any of her students didn't want to be there they were gone.

Our local prison is over crouded, aclu files lawsuit against, so there is an early release, and early arrest.

Drugs or drug related crime is the reason they get in trouble.
I'm glad you got your trailers back. Must be a quiet region or a very large theft ring because normally law enforcement has far more heinous crimes to investigate, and limited resources with which to do it.

Seriously, which would you investigate? A stolen cell phone, or a child molester? Even if it was your phone.

Do you really feel that it is fiscally responsible for a Sheriff's department to do the full Ted Danson CSI treatment for a stolen cell phone? Spend thousands of taxpayer dollars investigating and prosecuting over a $200 phone?

In a breif moment of sanity several years ago that program was discontinued. There was enough evidence that the program was a collossal failure and a waste of the taxpayers money. The current Gov. is now trying to resurrect the program.
Lets put it more simple cell phone missing i did complete
investigation all cop had to do was get off lazy but and
couldnt do that .but small things build to bigger things 1 kid
in town almost murdered 2 people but his dad was friends
of cops nothing done there either

Even if a person with a felony wanted to make an honest living, they can't hide their past. There are many good paying jobs they can't get with a record.

Some law makers are thinking of finding a way to wipe out criminal's records. Don't know the details, nothing has become law, just chatter.

It's too bad we have criminals, but it seems that once they go to jail they learn from their roomates and come out a better criminal.
Glad the OP got his trailer back.

Unfortunately police usually don't put much effort into finding stolen items even when the victims give them lots of good info to go on.
'Bout the only thing I ever figured our Sheriff's dept in Wisconsin would investigate would be if a Dunkin Donuts got robbed unless they got a grant for overtime. When I worked for the county I used to read the court docket everyday, noticed about 65-70% of the speeding tickets in our County were written by the State Patrol, what's pathetic is we had 32 Sheriff's Deputies, but only 1 State Trooper that worked in the area.
Sounds like the cops around McCook. They've been pretty busy pulling over the people leaving the new bar. I'm not sure if it's because he's got the wrong name with the right money, or the wrong money but the right name. One of the guys with the right name brought in a partner and opened a bar/brewery down the block from the (til recently) cop shop and they don't even drive by during business hours.

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