Roy Suomi

Well-known Member
I found that I have coons down the chimney of my pole barn.. Buggers have muddied up the corner trim of my lean too and up the masonary chimney.. [ 8 x 12 flue ] Gambrel roof 2 story.. How do I get them out ?? Someone said ammonia on a rag dropped down the flue.. Any other ideas ??
Doesn't it have a cleanout on the bottom? Tie a raw steak on the end of a rope and lower it down, when they get a good grip on it pull them out and shoot them!
Yep build a fire under them, but have an extinguisher handy
A flaming coon will naturally head for combustables.
Don't ask me how I know this :roll:
Put a bowl of cat food in the fireplace and sit quietly by with a rifle full of .22 shorts.

It is how I do it now.
i'd try and see if they have little ones in the chimney first. if you elimimate the momma, and the little ones die in there it will stink to high heaven. listen by the furnace for any sounds first. ya may have to take the flue off and pull the little buggers out with a pair of welding gloves.
You grab ta'hold of a full grown mama coon with nothing between you and her but welding gloves you are going to be looking for a trip to the ER. I use that trick on possums and even they can be a handful. That's just plain crazy.
i meant the little ones, not the momma, thats like trying to grab the bar end of a wide open chain saw!!!
Run a hose from a lawn mower or gasoline tractor (not a car) to the flue block the stove or fireplace so they can"t get in, and run it for an hour. Jim
I like IH2444 idea "Put a bowl of cat food in the fireplace and sit quietly by with a rifle full of .22 shorts.......It is how I do it now."
DITTO that is how I do it! .22 shorts and a good bolt action rifle. ':D'

My method was to build a fire in the fireplace insert then go up on roof with shotgun.

You better be fast with the shotgun. From the moment I seen their paws grab the top of the chimney to they dove over the side was a instant.
Grandpa told me the story of going into a dark tool shed and reaching into a wooden cabinet to get the oil can and instead grabbed a boar coon. Bit his fingers almost off then climbed his arm and scratched his face. He said when it really got dangerous was when Grandma tried to knock it off his head with an axe handle as he ran out the door.
Shoot them in the chimney, and then get a piece of barbed wire and run it down the chimney and twist it around and pull them out. That's the way I did it when we had one in a chimney in a house we lived in. Works good, just be prepared to move or let them climb over you if you miss and they decide to come out.

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