First calf of the season.


Well-known Member
Our first calf of the season is now almost 4 weeks old and I'm just now getting around to posting the video of her birth. No matter how many births I've seen it's always neat to see.

Calf being born

And here she is at 3 weeks of age.

To keep this tractor related I use a tractor to feed them hay. ha
Good for you. Glad you saved one!!! Save about 20 out of 20, coming backwards, or twins, or using the wrong bull, and so on, then say you are a professinal at saving these little farts. I can show you a picture of a dead one. Didn't have time to cover all the basis. Very sad day at my olace. BTW the cow that lost her calf, was trying to claim the new one. It gonna end up with two mamma's. lol
A healthy calf on the ground is a blessing. I have one cow left to calve, the rest did their job and are nursing healthy calves. At today's prices you have to watchem like a hawk & help however you need to. My neighbor just lost one, let the labor go too long without helping & calf was stillborn. I feel like it's Christmas every time a healthy one hits the ground. Birth is one of God's miracles.
I also enjoy calving season. My original bunch of 12 calved in 30 days and of the 7 new ones that I bought I have 2 left to calve. other than the one that was breech things have been going well. Every night when I feed and walk thru the herd I always say "See you in the morning girls and have a good night." Always figured the cows work for me not the other way around.. Bud
I had a God awful rough start about three weeks ago,shouldn't have started until about ten days ago if that tells you anything. But things have smoothed out pretty good. I had one that I had to bottle feed twice this week until he got ahold of the cow but he's been the only one.
Still a lot of'em to calve yet.
I always enjoy seeing healthy calves. Your cow did a great job. Pictures of cows and calves at their sides is always a soft spot for me. Thanks for sharing. Keep the pics coming as you can please. Thank you.
Kow Farmer Kurt
The last dairy calf we had this season was born on
13 March. It was a little bull calf from a first
timer Jersey. Mom was huffing and puffing, trying to
push that calf out - all the while she had 4 mini
gysers shooting out of her udder! We had two first
time moms this go-round. Both did great, and are
turning into nice family milk cows.
Thanks for the comments. I'm not sure what it is but I never get tired of watching a calf.

Been a good calving season so far UP here other than our terrible weather. Started calving with 3 feet of snow on the ground and some single digit temps, now its still only in the 40's but our snow melted and we've had lots of rain so there is standing water and mud everyplace.

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