
Since Margery passed away it has been a drag They have been good to me here at the home. The head nurse asked ne if I was going to go to Iowa for the burial on June 30 Told her I doubted it, She said."the therapist were Willing to work
with me snd get me so I could get in and out of vehicle They said I had two month to get the job done so I have another month to go. They got me so I can stand up and now we will start walking. Hope I make it Mom alway wanted back to go back
to there and most of our relatived live there . I got to get to walking.
Fresh air & walking will do wonders for the body & spirit! The therapists will do their best to get you able to make the trip.
Best wishes.
Great to read your postings again. I hope you are doing well after your late wife's passing away. Nice to read the nurses are working with you to get you walking again. I wish you the best of health and luck walking again. Take care. Post updates as you can. Thank you sir.
Kow Farmer Kurt
Spring is the best time to get motivated to get out and about. A nice slow walk outside to enjoy the flowers and clean air will do wonders for your body, mind and soul. Hang in there!

You should get back to walking. Your son probably needs you to check on the irrigation to be sure that he is doing it right.
It is a great pleasure to get this post! Welcome back! Get velcro fastened walking shoes, they make the difference between a drudgery and a pleasure.
Take it slow and increase only a little in distance.
The second day will be worse but it is just tired muscles. Mind the therapist. Jim
Glad to see your post. I was thinking about you the other day, as I hadent seen you posting lately.
Get out there and let those cute little theropests allow you to lean on their sholders, wink. Take that ol engine of yours and set the mag advance, pull the choke a bit, and then twist your tail. You still got some ground to plow.
Loren, the Acg.
I am glad to hear from you, yes by all means get walking. You need to make those therapists earn their money.
Nice to hear from you, glad you are hanging in there. Let those PT people work you out and whip you in shape. With your spirit you can do it.
You got to start then rest and take a few more steps. The second day will be hard as you will be a little stiff but try to work through it and take a couple more steps then the day before. If you get out of breath stop and rest then try some more. You will be surprised by how fast you improve. Keep a record so you can see what you have done.
Those therapist can be pest after my surgery they said its going there i said it aint it did but then the zipped up my jacket and sent me on my way. its painfull but worth it my aunts going through the same thing and the place she lives at sets a goal of one more door in the hallway every day.
If your nurses need help i got a cattle prod. so dont give up there is a lot of young ones that need you we might not need your hands or back but rather the knowledge and wisdom you have gathered over the years take care
"I got to get to walking".

gitrib, glad to hear from you, and you are correct, you do need to get walking. Mom was always proud of her man, always will be. Every time that she smiled, you were never far from her thoughts. Keep her smiling for you.

Was wondering how you were doing. There is nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it, is what they always told me. I am sure your wife would want you to be there. Best of luck to you. Things will get better.
Very nice to hear from you Graydon.
Take the walk, it sounds like you have
support there and you obviously have it here.
Don't let anyone stop you!
You can do it! I have a good friend who also couldn't walk after a bout with a strong illness. Finally overcame the illness, but was too weak to move any limb on his body. He made up his mind he would be leaving the rehab center in two weeks. Medical staff said two months if you're lucky. He walked out to the car to go home 13 days later. He put his mind to it, and you will too!
Good to hear from you again Graydon.

Sounds like a good idea to get you walking again; its very good exercise for all of us.

Hope you have a good trip back to Iowa.
Graydon It's great to hear from you, keep up the exercises they give you so you can get up on you own two feet. Please don't be a stranger and post more so we can see how your doing. Gods speed Mick

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