first of the season

pete black

Well-known Member
worked in the yard most of the day yesterday, this morning found 2 ticks stuck on me. 1 on back of leg and the other on; well a more private area.
A man goes to the doctor with symptoms of itchy wreck-tum.

Doc finds tick attached.

Man says, "Just leave him there, if he can stand it I can too."
I have had at least one on me every weekend for the last 4 weekends. I can usually feel them crawling but these were dug right in.
I went in for a haircut earlier in the week. The barber said, "Do you know that you have a tick attached to the back of your ear?" "No", says I. He got some tweezers and alcohol and removed it.

Dang ticks are thick already this Spring.

Tom in TN
A guy on the beagle forum claims he was running dogs for about three hours. Pulled 60 off--3 on the dogs the rest on him. I usually pick one up walking the field or running dogs. Luckily I feel them crawling first. I've only had one attached and one on each of the dogs. I hate those things!!!

Haven't had a tick since we moved to the desert; guess they can't stand the heat. I'd rather have scorpions and rattlesnakes than ticks.
in my part of central Tenn. ticks are scarce & the pesky tiny ticks don't seem to even be around. I hate them the worst. Think the long rough winter may've knocked the population.
I spray my boots with Raid or Off just to be sure that I do not have any ticks or other creepy bugs on me.
No ticks in the Desert, but we sure have CHIGGERS. Dang I hate these things, almost wish we had ticks, at least the ticks are big enough that you can see them.

The farm is overrun with ticks this year. Spend a lot of time pulling them off the dogs. Treated them with Frontline, but it didn't help.

Don't have ticks in Dallas, but do have chiggers. Brought a spray bottle of horse fly spray to the house. I try to remember to spray pant legs before getting out.

Those darn little bugs itch like crazy!
Went to a poultry auction this past weekend. Guinea Hens were going for over $20.00 each, most folks I talked to wanted them "because they eat ticks". How these folks think the hens are going to go where the people want them, I don't know. Unless fenced and wings cliped, ours always wound up in the brush and trees.

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