Got some seeds in the ground today.

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Got a bit of oats planted today. Got about 1/2 done
but the rest was heavier soil and was too wet yet.
If we could miss the rain we could stay busy, but
it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow. Use the 2394
to chisel, a White 2-85 to disc and an Oliver Super
88 to pull the grain drill.






Got my hay in Friday and finished disking on Saturday. wheat seed was supposed to be here yesterday too. Well the wheat got delivered sometime between 11AM and 2 PM today. I'm just now back in the house and showered. The last of it is done!


That's my SIL planting the last of the hay while I started disking the 40 for wheat.

You've got sand!

We don't like to chisel in spring in our clay, tho I have 10 acres of stalks I still plan on doing that.

We don't use disks in our clay if we can help it, packs the clay.

Looks like it works nice for you in that soil.

Nice pics.

I got 45 acres fertilized, worked, and planted the past 2 days, and some more worked. Than goodness for tile, waiting on the rest to dry out some, this used to be my worse field, now it was the first to go with the pattern tile of a few years ago.

We don't like to spring plow either, but since none got done last fall that's what we got to deal with this year.
My clover/ alfalfa/ turnip mix is coming up, but the oats with it is being very slow. Maybe a little rain to soften the ground crust wouldn't be so bad.

A little, not a lot tho!

(quoted from post at 20:44:16 05/18/14) We don't like to spring plow either, but since none got done last fall that's what we got to deal with this year.

Here fall plowing means that the soil blows away over winter.

I have one more plot to disc and then plan to spread fert. I saw a few guys planting corn this weekend but after three weeks I still haven't seen any signs of the corn mixed with my oats emerging. Oats are up about 3-4 inches.

Got me some seeds in the ground as well in Central KS. Hoping for rain here though. Supposed to be in the mid to upper 90's for the next few days with hard winds so that will hurt. Looking for a chance of rain towards the end of the week, so still hoping.
Just going to insure the beans well and hope for the best. Should end up with about 200 +/- acres. Bob



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