New tractor shed


Well-known Member
My new tractor sheds had to go on hold with a very busy springtime working on the tractors and attending shows, selling tractor parts....I did manage to find a bit of help this week and managed to pour the floor in the main building and get some corrugated tin on the sides and roof....Now it all has to go on hold again as I have more grass to cut for silage and hay!........Sam

That's going to be a nice building when you get it done. Only problem is you will fill it up and have to build another one. Got a friend up on the east coast of Georgia below Savannah he must have 50,000 square feet of buildings and he keeps buying more stuff for his collection and he keeps on putting up more buildings!:)
That's a "shed"? Wow. Here's what I'd call a shed. Original construction, oak timbers milled on site, and a re-roof after a large tree caused a problem for the insurance company.



Very nice sheds! It's kind of like the chicken or the egg, or sheds and tractors. Get 1 or the other and then you will get more of one and the other!
Is that copper under the solar panels? I have seen more solar panels lately and wonder why they aren't angled to the sun. Any reason for that?
Sam,, looks great how big is it and what type of footings did you use for support beams? The reason I ask is we just formed up for a 35 x 61 foot shed. It's a 6 foot wall but 4 foot is in the ground for frost protection. This shed is also all metal and will replace my old neighbors shed that he lost to a fire. They have two tractors that they pull both are Fords a 7810 and 9000. You can see them pull on You tube under little blue hooker tractor pulling not joking! Greg
(quoted from post at 07:04:32 05/24/14) Is that copper under the solar panels? I have seen more solar panels lately and wonder why they aren't angled to the sun. Any reason for that?

Those aren't solar panels, just translucent. Recycled with slight hail damage from a 3000 sq ft pool house near here. They spanned 9' with our 80 psf live (snow) load and yet are light enough to carry solo, which is how I always work.

An 80' oak tree came down and poked holes in the panels (replaced by copper) and the adjoining copper roof. The insurance co. was facing a replacement cost for the panels of almost $30/sq ft. I was facing a minimum of 2 month lead time for these custom-only panels.

We settled on my adding rafters and installing copper, but they paid for the panels. Real nice under them, even on an overcast day the underside glows. Wonderful for a tractor shed. Here's the pool house they came from:
Sometimes progress is slow, but at least it is progress. That will add a considerable amount of room, for a while. It has been mentioned how fast they fill up and then you require even more storage space. I have always been told that is the purpose of the game, "He who has the most toys at the end, wins!"

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