truck smells of cigars

I bought a 2000 Chevy truck 2 years ago and the guy I bought it from was a cigar and pipe tobacco smoker. I cannot get the smell out of my truck! Need some ideas on what will kill the smell. Everything just seems to mask it for a few weeks then its back.
An ozone treatment at an auto detailing outfit is supposed to be permanent- the ozone oxidizes the molecules into something else, so they're simply not there anymore, and can't come back.
Good luck!!! If you find something let me know. I've tried about everything there is including the ozone and it always comes back.
Sell the truck is the only thing I know of.

How about a bucket of pig poo set it in there on a hot day ?
I have a convertible that I have completely redone. I bought it from the estate of the original owner. Nothing of the original interior remains except the seat frames. No soft material or plastic was reused at all. It's a convertible - the top was replaced from inside to out.

I swear I can smell smoke in that thing sometimes. I just figure it's him riding along.
The smell must have soaked into the head-liner and seats, no carpet on floor. I've tried tons of diff things and still there. I even leave the windows down all the time in the summer.
Sounds like I may be stuck with the smell.
Time and leaving windows down alot to air out is about the only way. Be patient because it could take years even if plenty of ventilation. It will reduce to a point where you don't notice it as bad long before it is completely gone. My experience with air freshners and things like that only cover up the smell for awhile. As a non smoker, I always kinda liked the smell of pipe smoke. One smell I miss since smokers are pretty much not allowed to smoke in public buildings anymore. Always kinda liked a wif of pipe smoke once in awhile but thats just me though.
Carbonated soda water,put it in a spray bottle and spray the head liner,seats,flooring weather carpet or rubber.. spary everywhere..spary and wipe. The soda takes the smell out.You can also mix baking soda and water and spritz it on and wipe off but it may leave a white residue. When finished hang a couple of air freshners,I like one called "Leather" and it does make the truck smell like leather.
There is a company that is called Chemdry. The stuff they use to clean carpets is a orange soda smelling stuff. Makes your carpet smell like orange soda pop. Might work on your truck.
Investigate various activated charcoal applications. I don't have any specific recommenations--don't know what's out there.
Folk bought a car years back that belonged to a cigar smoker and they tried everything at that time. They left it in garage with widows down and set outside on nice days. The smell left it about the time they were ready for new car (5 years).
Found a product called Smart Sense Fabric Refresher (KMart) will freshen up vehicles when sprayed on carpet, etc. Don"t know about smoke smells, and would be very careful with it on leather interiors.
When I bought my 97 Ford, it reeked of cigarette smoke. I bought a small, battery powered ozone maker like what you would use to remove odors in the frig. I would run it when I was not in the truck and air the truck out when I got in. Ozone is not healthy to breathe. Its also supposed to be hard on vinyl. I don't remember exactly how long it took, but it wasn't but a few weeks and the smell was gone.

Sometimes on a hot day when the truck has been closed up, I can still smell it, but very faintly and its gone once I let the truck air for a few minutes.
OdoBan: Available at Home Depot, Sam's Club and other stores. Dilute and scrub surfaces, especially all fabrics. It has a mild smell, but it does dispell odors.
We had a nasty odor in one of our cars. Somebody spilled milk on the front seat and floor. It sat in the hot sun for a couple of weeks without being cleaned up. It REEKED! I dumped a box of baking soda on the seats and carpet, then worked it around with a scrub brush. I vacuumed that out, then scrubbed another box of soda in. I also sprinkled some FRESH coffee grounds on top, and set some in a dish. It sat in the hot sun for a day, then I used the car wash vacuum. No more smell.
When a neighbor got an old truck, it smelled like cigarette smoke. He put a dish of coffee grounds in there for a couple hot days, and the smell was gone.
The headliner above the driver's head is the hardest part. You will probably need to scrub it with dry soda a couple of times, then carefully vacuum it (after a day or two).

The coffee grounds are the secret, though....
i bought my last semi tractor slightly used and the prev. owner was a smoker. I had it for 5 years and tried everything. Even took all the insides out and pressure washed them and the heater vents too. Still got that brown crud on the towels every time I wiped down the inside. Never did get it to quit smelling.
I've never found anything that takes out Oder, it may mask the Oder but not remove it. Try parking it in the bottom of a lake that might work.
What's wrong with cigar or pipe smell?, it might be safer than the crap one sprays or uses to get rid of it :p
I can't tolerate smoke of any kind. I have chemical sensitivities, but OdoBan does not bother me a bit.
One of the county vehicles I used to manage got stinky. Someone puked in it and parked it with the windows rolled up, it was August. Of course we didn't find out about it until we asked "how come no ones using that van?" Tried about everything on it, got the smell down to manageable, ended up assigning the van to the work restitution job coach as they usually trashed any van they had, left it with them quite a while, it still stunk. Took it to our local car wash for detailing just before I sent it to auction, they used an ozone machine on it, for about a week, it smelled okay after that.
Everybody trying to do things the hard way.
Just start smoking, a week from now you won't notice a thing.
WHY would a guy (you) who's offended by cigar stench buy a vehicle from a cigar smoker?

Inquiring minds) want to know!
I do simple repairs on guitars. Occasionally someone will bring me one that will reek of smoke due to their exposure in smoky bars. If I can access the inside of the guitar body, I place a small bag of cheap coffee inside. I contain the coffee in a bag made of an old almost worn out cotton Tee shirt. I have heard of others using this trick in an used vehicle, with some success. You also might need to clean and vacuum inside of the dash area where the ashtray sets. Hope this helps...Tim
Yeah, but what if the odor of coffee offends you?

Some people will go off like the Tazmanian Devil at the first whiff of ANY sort of smell.
If the smell of ground coffee offends someone then I have no other advice to offer them, except the following. This is OT, by the way. The medical community has been studying the relationship between people that are cynics and late life dementia. It seems that folks that find fault with everything are more likely to suffer from mental problems later in life. I saw that on national tv, so it's got to be the truth.
LOL! HA HA The smell must be REALLY bad!

I second what the other guy said about the ozone generator.

I have one and use it to freshen up vehicles.

If smell is BAD, I put a battery charger on the vehicle, and run the AC/heater fan while the ozone generator is doing it"s thing to circulate the ozonated air through the ductwork, etc..
Coffee's worth a shot. Used to sprinkle some on the trailer floor if I was picking up something that required no malodors in the trailer.

Tobacco has a nice smell to it. I've bought a cigar or pack of smokes just to poke one in an air vent for the smell. Raw tobacco is even better. Too bad it's so rank once it's burning.
leave the windows and doors open and let it air out. on nice days. may take a month but it works to get the smell of skunk out.

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