Lawn mower safety pic

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Sittin here getting loaded and was watching this guy mow the grass. This is the third time he's done this so far. He puts his hand on the seat so the deck keeps running and reaches under it to clear it out.
Are we sure about what he is doing.

Or is he putting one hand on the seat to keep the engine from killing and picking up a piece of trash in front of the mower.

I often pull next to a kids ball and do a balancing act to lean over and pick it up and still apply enough but pressure on the seat to keep the mower engine running.
With 2 grandkids living next to me I really need one of those pickup grab sticks and a wagon to put all the junk in.
It is totally understandable what he is doing. You see when you mow the Dandelions like to tuck themselves under the blades, they are tricky like that. So this wise guy is shoving them up into the blades! And you thought this was some careless dumb feller. LOL
I watched him do this a couple times before, that's why I was ready with the camera. The engine stayed running when he got off, but the deck quit. If you look close you can see the grass coming out the side shute.
I knew a guy who got killed in a similar was with a skid steer. He crushed himself against a wall.
Wait, ENGINE running? Or, deck running?

If it's just the engine, it's several orders of magnitude safer. Odds are it's a pain in the arse to start, especially hot.

Worst that could happen if the blades aren't spinning is the machine charges forward and tries to run him over.
Years ago, my supervisor came in one Monday morning with his hand bandaged. He was helping load a mower which was being driven up a ramp into a truck, but the wheel of the mowing deck had dropped off the ramp. He grabbed the edge of the deck and lifted it, not realizing that by dropping off the edge of the ramp, it had tightened the belt just enough to spin the blades. Clipped the very tip of two fingers.
You say that you were sitting thar getting loaded?
Do you mean that you were getting loaded as in drinking, or you were waiting fur your truck to be loaded?
It could be interpreted different ways from people frum different parts of the kuntry.
Any who Stubby should be more careful around machinery.
In certain parts of the country, it is common to see someone come into the emergency room with fingers mutilated from picking up the running lawn mower to trim the hedges. (You'd think they could bolt some handles on that mower deck first, but noooOOOOoooh.)
There was a store, in my local town, that sold shoes. The store name was Stumps Shoes. I would always chuckle every time I saw the name.
I bought an EZ reacher stick, that I keep on my mower, to pick up bottles, cans and sticks. Been mowing 25 + years, and still have all my appendages...
If all of the safety switches are in place and working the engine won't run when you get off the seat so one must improvise what I figure out is why he didn't push the clutch down and then lock it that will allow the engine to run but not the mower deck.
On this one the engine would stay running when he got off, I saw that several times, only the mower stopped when he was off the seat. They may have bypassed some of the safeties but not all.
Doesn't look like tall enough grass to plug the mower. Still stupid though. I worked at golf course where a guy used to reach in front of the rather open spinning reels, to pick up the tee markers cause he was too lazy to get off and move them. My dad sold commercial turf equipment for over 40 years and never once had an accident involving blades or reels. A lot of people just thought he was lucky. No, he just had a lot of common sense. It's a crap shoot nowadays.
Just had a local man killed on a zturn mowing a bank slid and rolled over on him. Apparently roll bar was removed or folded down. Just retired at 52 from carpenters union took a maintenance job as carpenter and they were shorthanded so they put him on a mower, don't know if he was trained.
I can totally understand in todays world to not get involved and not say something to this fellow.
But then now what if he chomps his arm off and is laying there bleeding to death ? Do you go help ? call 911 and wait or put the truck in gear and get the heck out of dodge ?
For the sake of humanity I think you leave and pretend you saw nothing. A little bleach in the gene pool never hurt anything.
I certainly don't think you take a picture of it and post it on the internet because----
In this day and age if something happens to this guy they might come after you and have all the proof they need that you did not help this poor soul out.

Also sad is likely if you went over to educate this fellow he would of gotten all mad at YOU !

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