OT Optical migraines

David G

Well-known Member
Do any of you get optical migraines?

I get them sometimes and there is either a flicker on the sides of my vision or it is blurry. I am having the blurry right now, it is the same in both eyes.
I dont believe I have that way with the vision. The first thing that came to mind was blood sugar and diabetes. Might be something to check out.
Ya. Not as often as I used to though,thank God. I started getting them in Jr High. I'd be reading and things would go all out of whack. They'd make me so sick I'd have to come home and sleep it off. When I do get them anymore,mine start with a spot in the middle and work out to my peripheral vision. They don't make me sick anymore,but it's just annoying as all get out waiting for them to go away.
Yep, lightning bolts across the vision and if bad enough, tunnel vision.

Found one source for mine, food coloring #1 blue. Came from grape drink in a can. Later a salad that had it too.
I used to get them a long time ago. Would start with a blurry, wavy line, then big time headache. Learned real quick to take 2 tylenol or ibuprofen as soon as the wavy line appeared. As long as I did that, the tylenol would kick in before my head felt like it had connected with an 8lb sledge.

Praise God I don"t get them anymore.
Yep suffered with them all of my life. Never know when I'm going to get them. But I do know a few things that will set one off. If I walk in a room where there is a florescent light that is flickering I will have one in just a few minutes. Anything I eat that is really high in potassium will cause me to have one. I get those blurry lines in my vision when I get one too
take 2 aspirins on onset then relax for a bit and it will go away . it worked for a friend and his dad . mine weren't optical they were cluster .
Had my first in 2001. Dr's ran tests and called it a TIA. Now a different Dr thinks it a silent migrane.
i had migranes or about fiteen years one about every ten days some worse than others.had two stents put in at age 54 and they stopped.but the heart doctor says there is no connection.i dont think i buy that.
I have had them off and on since I was ten years old. Mine start with a dark speck and then go into blurry vision along with feeling sick to stomach. After that brite lights and sunlight bother me for about three days after headache. About maybe 15 years ago while making delivery to drug store I got one. The pharmacist asked what was wrong and I told him and he went away and came back with two 325 mg aspirin to take and told me to set back and relax for a little bit. After about 15 minutes it had gone away with very little headache but light still a problem for several days. This has worked for me every since then.
I use to get them bad and the only way I could get rid of them was a dark cool room and go to sleep. I worked nights a going to work or coming home and get behind something with a strobe light would set one off. In 2002 I had a 4 1/2" brain tumor removed and the migraines more or less stopped after that and now if I get one I take medication for it that dose not effect my A-Fib now.
I would see an eye doctor for your eyes and he can check for tumors behind the eyes and other problems in your vision. Not to scare you or anything but get it checked out. Bandit
Mine shows a an inverted "V" on any horizontal line that I am looking at. The first time it happened I thought I had flaw in my windshield. I only have in my left eye.
I have had them most of my grown life. Hard to explain exactly what it looks like, but think of a weather radar screen in grayscale with a line of storms starting out small in the middle and growing out and off to the south until it's gone. If I do nothing I will be sick as a dog until I get some sleep. I can take two Aleve when I first see the lines and it still appears the same, but I don't get sick. Feel kinda dumpy for a day or so, but that's all. Seems to be stress related.
I was told they are called visual migranes. Same thing. It's happened to me twice in the last 15 years. First time it was in my left eye while I was driving. I could only see have of the license plate on the car in front of me. When I got to Walmart I had no vision in my left eye. It lasted about 20 minutes. I went to eye doctor and every thing was fine. He told me I was lucky. Most people are in total darkness for 3 days.
The second time it happened to me I was at work. It affected both eyes this time. I could look at some one and only see half their face. I was scared. Well I was taken away in an ambulance. I went to an opthamologist and he did some extensive testing. Went as far to put dye in my blood stream at my wrist to see how long it took to get to my eyes. It was yellow dye and made everything I looked at have a yellow tint. All checked out good.
He put me on "PreserVision AREDS 2". I did find out a few days later after the second incident that I was taken to the hospital for dehydration. I think that played a big role in the visual migrane. Reason I say that is I attended a seminar on the human colon. It was explained that our colon controls our bodies and how some migrane suffers are treated with suppositories. I knew one woman who was treated with suppositories. She would take one and have a BM then made her so tired. After she slept a couple of hours she woke up and headache was gone. I know when I have a small headache then have a BM my headache goes away. I watch what I eat so I rarely have headaches any more. I eat a high fiber diet. People knew something years ago when they would say to eat your greens and vegetables and stay away from sweets. Some foods such as bread, pasta, pastries, candy have no juice or fiber content and act like plaster in your digestive tract. Just look at a picture of a colon. It's ribbed or shaped like our spine. Each indentation represents different part of our body just like our spine. Doctors know this but don't tell us this.
I had my first one on the third day and first workout day in 9th grade phys/ed. Teacher tried to run us to death first day out. Half the class got sick. An hour later I had one of these. Never knew what it was called. I also developed low blood sugar then. Never had a problem before so I blame it all on that guy.
Captain at med center at Lackland AF base called them opthimolic(sp) migraines back in '78. Got me discharged from AF. I wasn't happy. At the time they would take over 1/2 my vision but now just give me the fuzzies.
Not Optical Migraines, but my wife gets Migraines from eating food with MSG as a preservative.
(reply to post at 16:01:05 08/01/14) [/quot

I get them. I have had four so far over three years. The first three were like a lightening bolt coming in slowly from the left, until it got to about mid eye, then going away pretty rapidly. No headache. My daughter is in neuroscience and one of the tractor pullers is a neurosurgeon. I described it to them both soon after the first one and they both said that it was a form of migraine. I had my forth one just yesterday and it came in from the right. They have not significantly affected me so far.
We've always called them silent migraines becuae they don't hurt like the full bore migraines. I get them pretty often with the tunnel vision. Always sinus related, couple shots of Vicks Ultra Fine Sinex Mist and they clear up.

I'll take them over the pounding headache/can't see at all/puke your guts out migraines I used to get.

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