They didn't want to help


Yesterday I was helping a friend load some small square hay bales. Bales were sold out of the field. Had some people from an area church come walking out across the field wearing suits and ties. They wanted to discuss the bible. We told them we really didn't have time to stand there and talk, but if they wanted to help, we would be glad to discuss it with them. For some reason, the declined. They just stood there for about 10 minutes watching us load hay before they left.
I didn't realize that some folks from a witness sort of church had stopped by earlier this summer. I came out of the chicken house grumbling. He said, "Hello, are you the proprietor of this farm?" I said, "That all depends on whether you are trying to collect more taxes or sell me more chicken chit."

They looked like a van load of travelers that needed directions, honest! Turns out the head guy knew the man that owned the farm many decades ago before I bought it. It was good to talk with them. Their Watch Tower went in the trash.
A few years ago, I was taking a tire off my skidsteer to go get fixed, and 2 young Mormans rode up on bikes. They actually wanted to help. But, they had on white dress shirts, and I would not let them ruin them. We talked a few minutes, they were not pushy about their religion. Seemed to be good young men, nice to see some good manners and politeness.
The proselytizers are the ultimate salesmen- willing to accept rejection 99 times out of 100, just to be there to convert that one guy who happens to be ready to talk to them. That's why they try to engage you, even if you are busy and you obviously don't have time to talk- who knows, maybe your life is going badly, and they arrived just when you were ready to talk about a change in direction. I admire them for their persistence, even if they can get a little annoying. I just tell them I'm already a Presbyterian, I don't have time to talk right now, and then disappear under a vehicle or into the shop or the barn. When there's no one to talk to, they'll load up and head for the next place along the road.
IF your talking about the Mormon Church fellows then while I don't agree with much of their teaching I do think their PRO family stance is great. Family and community mean a lot to them.
Ah, the Mormons. I worked with a young Mormon kid at Farm Credit in the early 90's. Great guy- very friendly, gift of gab, could talk to anyone.

I was showing him the territory, and we went by this really nice dairy. I knew who the owner was, they didn't use credit, I had never stopped in. He said, "Lets stop and meet him." Now, I had always had a little trouble with "cold calls"- I needed a reason to stop, or some kind of lead-in, so I wouldn't just be hanging out there. Not so him. We stopped, the guy was a little aloof to start with, but Richard engaged him, and soon we were having pie and coffee in the house. Very successful call.

I asked him how he could just stop at a total stranger's place, and he said he had done his Mormon mission in the black segment of New Orleans- "Everyone was black, everyone was bigger than me, and everyone was resistant to white strangers. I learned how to survive in that context, and now, I fear no one."

He transferred back to eastern Idaho as soon as an opening came up, and I never heard from him again. I'm sure he was successful.

We had a record flood in 2007- about 150 Mormon young people came to help. They wore distinctive yellow shirts, and their approach to people was "We're from the Mormon church, and we're here to help. What can we do to help you?" Turned out, the dirtiest job at most places was crawling under houses, in the mud, and pulling out the sodden floor insulation. So they added a sentence to their greeting- "Has the insulation under your house been removed yet? We'd be glad to do that." Members of the community "adopted" individual crews, and would have their clothes from the last job washed and dried by the time they finished the present one, so they could have fresh clothes for the next one. The kids later said that that became kind of a focus to get them through the job- "the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get cleaned up and changed into warm, clean clothes."
Had two AfticanAmerican ladies stop by years ago...the one thing I'll always remember is that on que, just like a military manoeuver, they both put their right hands in their pocket books, retrieved their bibles, turned to the same chapter and verse and began reading in unison...they would have put the Marine Corps silent drill team to shame!!
I have two stories that have to do with J.W. peddlers. The first one was many years ago when I was going to college. Four of us lived in a large house on a busy street. The J.W. salesladies, and a kid happened to stop by on a Saturday morning. The only problem was that we had had an all-out beer party in the house on Friday night. There must have been a hundred beer cans lying on the floor. Also, from the front door, you could look straight into one of the bedrooms....which just happened to be occupied by my roommate and his girlfriend. The peddlers were horrified, but before they could turn around and leave, their trained child took a couple of steps into the house to hand me their literature. I'll never forget the look on all three faces right before they turned around and left.
The second time was a couple of years ago. At that time we had a German Shepherd/blue healer cross dog. This dog should have starred in some horror movies because the eyes were a very bright red, even though he wouldn't hurt a fly. The dog was appropriately called "Spook". I live out in the country where there are no close neighbors. A car pulls up, loaded with an elderly man and two ladies. Spook parks himself right outside the driver's door and just stands there. My wife thought somebody was lost and needed directions, so she goes to the car. As soon as she was by the car, she realized they were J.W.s. The man was terrified of Spook and asked my wife if he had ever mauled anybody. My wife just said "not lately" and turned around to go back into the house.
I have nothing against the J.W.s themselves and kind of admire how they go door-to-door to peddle their religion, it's just that I have my own religion and I'm not interested in theirs.
i was putting a transmission back in my old pickup truck after I replaced the clutch I was under there struggeling and sweating it was not going well so there i was with a 4 speed on my chest gravel digging into my back and a car pulls in the driveway and the Jw's get out and start preaching at my feet (captive audiance) Im grumpy as all get out by now and in no mood for any B.S. one of them said something like "God will help you" and I told them "Well tell the S.O.B. to help get this f#@&*ing transmisson in then silence,then the car doors slammed and off they went funny thing is after that she slid right together they havent stopped in after!
It was really hot one afternoon, and I was hauling square bales by myself. Two buddys came by, honked and waved, told me it was too hot to do that. Then they pulled into this field drive, sat there and drank beer and watched me haul.
When I was working for the neighbor, I was laying under the Swather doing some repairs, and a car load of JaHovas came rolling in. They drove RIGHT up to the shop, and two men got out. The boss (older lady) was standing there talking to me, and they INTERRUPTED her to tell her what they were doing.

She has a short fuse to start with, and when this happened she blew.

She turned around and told them to mind their own f-ing business about their religion, and that they were CLEARLY ignorant of the fact that I was under the swather with my hands in a bind, and that IF they still wished to speak with her, they would have to wait a few minutes.

Both men said NOTHING and proceeded to get back in their car. Right before one of them closed the door she shouted:

"OH, and happy HO HO HO to you!!"

I was glad that I was hiding under the swather....

I hope no one takes offense because of this, but I think that it takes ALL kinds to make the world go around.

I worked around a lot of Mormons when I harvested in Idaho and they were all very clean, respectable folks and very family oriented. I have no fear of Mormons or any other religious group. I just don't want them trying to push their way of thinking down my throat. Jim
(quoted from post at 18:38:29 08/24/14) I worked around a lot of Mormons when I harvested in Idaho and they were all very clean, respectable folks and very family oriented. I have no fear of Mormons or any other religious group. I just don't want them trying to push their way of thinking down my throat. Jim

I wouldn't be trying to push it down your throat but of course I wouldn't want to see you burn either.
I would shoot the chit heads drinkin beer ,,and tell the church folx to lend a hand , or get goin ,,, booker t Washington spoke of these sorts of folx like this ,,, Oh Lord , This Row is SO Long , And It is So weeedy , it has dulled my hoe ,, and now since it has gotten so hot Too ,, I Think I HAS BEEN Called to Preach ,,,and don't forget the preacher that come by to see the farm family for dinner after 2 yrs of hard work getting the rundown farm back in order ,,, he kept saying over and over to the farmer how he sure was blessed with a nice farm ,, that god blessed him many times over , witrh a well maintained buildings , crops , animals , and eguipment ,, finally the ol farmer had enuf ,, he said to the preacher in so many words ,, yes , ihave been blessed with a good farm ,,, but do you remember preacher what it looked like when god had it all by himself ??
the J W stopped at my place one day when I was not in a good mood. I told them I did not like anyone forceing their religon down my throut, and the next time they set foot on my property I was fileing trespassing charges against them, have not be bothered by them since. this was about three years ago.
3 yrs ago was last JW visit. I very nicely asked them if they see the horses in the field and of course they did. I politely shared with them when I feel the need to have a conversation with my maker I go out and spend time with his creations. I next pointed to wooded area across the road and shared with them that if I need to spend more time with my maker I go there and sit next to a tree and get my messeges 'directly' from him. They left smiling (maybe cause I didn't slam door in their faces).
They didn't ever offer one of their papers LOL
In the early 80's I was working for a farmer who was a great person. We were just coming out of their house after lunch when some bible bouncers showed up. They started their spiel and the farmer stopped them and told them he already supported a church and wasn't going to start supporting another one. We then walked away and they left without another word.
Shortly before I retired from the Army at Ft Riley I was looking at a friends car in the parking lot behind the barracks. While listening to the engine this you black man walked up to us and ask if we would be interested in going to church the next morning. I looked over my shoulder at him and told him no. He started going on "OH it's a black thing". I told him no, it's just I'm a Polytheistic (I was lying but it means person who worships more than one god). His eyes got huge and he turned and ran away!

Right after I retired I over heard my #3 son answer the door and the JW's start their speech. He cut them off by saying "sure, I'll listen to you talk about your god if you will give me equal time talking about my god". They left and have yet to return. That was in 96. I think they keep track of who they talk to.

I remember JW's stop. Asked me something about peace coming to the middle east. I responded that isn't there something in the Bible about that only coming just before the end of days. No real response and we parted on friendly terms.

one of the wackier family members was infamous for his H-raising & his wife & family had just left him for good, hung-over & ill-tempered. Then the JW's came. A man & women. He pulled a gun on them & forced them into the woods behind his house, saying he was going to kill them & himself. He talked himself out of it with their considerable help & let'em go. They had'm arrested, jailed & convicted. Apparently, their forgiveness only goes so far.
Being the type of person to not base my opinions on others views I am interested in why people believe what they believe. So when the JW's showed up at the house a few years ago I started asking questions about their beliefs. Talk about opening a door for them.

We had a pleasant conversation for a half an hour or so and they left. I acquired some info about their beliefs but not very much.

The next weekend they showed up again and I continued to ask questions that they kind of answered but not really.
Same thing again the next weekend but this time one of the guys was obviously higher up in the church.

I guess they thought they were going to convert me because I kept digging for more information. A couple of days later, when I wasn't home, they dropped of the book that they use to explain the Bible to their members.

When I got home I grabbed the book and my Bible and started to compare the two. A few hours later I found the single largest difference to be that they do not believe in the Trinity. I closed the book.

The following weekend they should up again and asked if I had read the book. I said I had but I had a problem with them not believing in the Trinity. He went on to explain in great detail why they don't believe in it but at the end I told him I believe in the Trinity and it wasn't negotiable.

Very nice, caring people that honestly believe their views are correct. It's sad to think that others that have been misinformed by their church's through no fault of their own may not get to heaven.
My brother's deceased wife was a Jehovah's Witness member, and one of the sweetest gals I've ever met. She never once tried to force her beliefs on us.

We have a group that visit us about three times a summer, and they are tolerable. They know that we are Baptists, and we are respectful to them and their beliefs. One thing that my wife and I have noticed - if you pull out your own Bible, they will leave real pronto. In the beginning, there were no denominations.
I was home alone sick one day when the doorbell rang. I put on my bathrobe and answered the door; it was two nice looking women with handsful of literature. I looked them over carefully and told them "One of you can come in". (The Devil made me say that!)

For some reason they left in a hurry and never came back.
I have fine neighbors that are JW, some of the nicest people I've ever known were Mormon, one of my best buds in the Corps was Jewish and others were Catholic. I don't like people trying to push their religion on me since I have my own beliefs, but I have no tolerance for those that dis-respect people of any faith. Some of the comments here are truly disgusting.
(quoted from post at 04:44:03 08/25/14) I have fine neighbors that are JW, some of the nicest people I've ever known were Mormon, one of my best buds in the Corps was Jewish and others were Catholic. I don't like people trying to push their religion on me since I have my own beliefs, but I have no tolerance for those that dis-respect people of any faith. Some of the comments here are truly disgusting.

Many of the comments on here show a complete lack of knowledge of the Bible. Talking or writing about any topic about which one has no knowledge tends to make the speaker/writer appear to have a general lack of education.
Gotta love some of the comments from what are most certainly "personal responsibility, family values" types...

These people that come to your door have the same values as you. These are good upstanding enterprising hard-working loving giving people doing what they believe is God's work. Yet, you treat them like $hit. I bet "your" Jesus is so proud of you for beating up "their" Jesus.

Maybe they don't believe in your God, or differ on the details about how things went down 2000-odd years ago, but they are living virtuously, doing what's right. Isn't that what's important?
Last year, I was working on a chainsaw in my driveway, when two young black guys, dress in suits, approached me. They asked if I was having a great day and told me where they lived.
One said "this is your lucky day!", and pulled out a small bottle of "super cleaner". The price sticker said $19.95 and he was going to sell it to me for $12.00!
After their sales pitch, I asked them to give me a second and I reached in the garage and returned with a quart bottle of Spray 9 and a really dirty chainsaw housing.
I asked them to demonstrate before I used the Spray 9 and the results were just as I expected.
Their cleaner didn't come close to mine.
I then started my sales pitch for Spray 9 (I do not sell it) and that I would sell them a quart for $8.00--(higher price then in store).
They left looking back several times as they walked up my drive.
Was a bit surprised by that somewhat callous post. Never heard you quite so clipped.

Sounded eerily similar to Ayn Rand's position on the subject.

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