Scotland Referendum

Frank 41

Has Bill in Scotland had time from his vacation to report on which way this is going to go. Any other UK people want to put their insight in. Most of these things are about money and the big money goes where they can profit the most.

Thanks, Frank
I've often thought that the group that ought to vote on these "break away" things is the rest of the country. Perhaps the whole Quebec deal might be a bit different then...
Another view here!
From what I know Scotland has been trying to gain independence for over 300 years. That's were William Wallace and William the Bruce have become legion. Would it be a good economic move? Can they provide for their own security? Who knows? Only time will tell. Sometimes people should be careful of what they wish for, they just might get it.

It would be somewhat akin to Texas or CA becoming their own nation. CA would add a very long length of border for the US to secure and most likely would wind up broke in a short time crying an begging for foreign aid. TX might make it though it would loose a lot of business as companies moved out to stay in the US. Could be an economic disaster waiting for a place to happen.

The stuff in Canada is again a coin toss. I've heard talk a few years past about parts of Canada seeking to become part of the US should Quebec become independent or part of France.

Until something happens it's all just speculation.

Read an article yesterday comparing Scotland"s bid for secession vs. if Tx were to secede.

Among other things, the article said right now Tx doesn"t have the business taxes the US does and as long as they didn"t enact those taxes, Tx would see a big jump in business because of the lower taxes.

The only real con to Tx seceding would be the loss of highway funding.

It was a pretty interesting article.
It'll go nowhere the same as these things generally do in federal states... They stand to lose too much if they go it alone. Just like quebec these things are motivated by pride and Stupidity... So as long as a common sense majority still rules, nothing gonna happen. Then again... That assumption is asking a lot today..
It was Robert the Bruce, not William.

I don't know about Scotland, but I know I'd love to take the lower 100 miles or so of my state let them become their own state or Federal District. When an urban population completely runs a rural state......
I may be wrong but it seems to me that all of Canada votes for or against one provinces secesion.

(quoted from post at 20:26:05 09/11/14) I've often thought that the group that ought to vote on these "break away" things is the rest of the country. Perhaps the

whole Quebec deal might be a bit different then...
Yea but the $$$ that now goes to the Feds from Texas would stay in Texas.Plus if a Southern state was independent they'd cut back drastically on things like welfare and food stamps so those that wanted to live off the Gov't would move North.

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