and speaking of tomatos......

Donald Lehman

Well-known Member
Did 7 quarts of canned 'maters yesterday. Just finished up 22 pints of ketchup this morning and the better half and I are now making one last batch of sauce. That will about wrap it up for the tomato based stuff for this year.

Couple more canner fulls of carrots and the horses and goats get the rest. Then it's on to the beets and rutabagas. Have just gotton started on digging taters.
Sounds good. I have not started digging my potatoes yet. Been waiting for the ground to dry some or the mud will plug my potatoes harvester.

If I get any kind of yield I will be giving potatoes away again this year.. I just can't seem to stop my impulse to plant way more seed potatoes that I would ever need. Do you ever have that problem?
Here's a picture of some of my tomatoes large and small. Hal

One of the few ways I take after my father. He'd drink tomato juice by the gallon, but he wouldn't have eaten a raw tomato if you'd held a gun to his head.
My father would eat raw tomatos by the bushel, but woe to anyone who tried to get him to eat catsup or spagetti sauce. (smile)

Hey guys I always try to plant more than I think I need, too. Seems every year I have things that do real well and others that don't and it's never the same thing any given year. We have very poor beets this year but had good beets last year and we canned more than we would use in a year. The left overs will just about get use through this year. Seems to work that way every year.

The biggest surprise this year was That I threw in some watermelons Memorial Day weekend and the darn things did well. That is very unusual for this far north.
The tomatoes in the basket are Burpees Big Boys and the cherry tomatoes are Chadwick.

The red tomatoes on top the jars are Big Boys and the pink tomato is Burpees Big Pink. I gave away
a lot of nice tomatoes to my neighbors. I raised
all my tomato plants from seed. Hal
PS: My wife use's Earth boxes for growing veggies.
That black Chow in the picture is SugarBear and we also have a Keeshond.

Wife just canned 12 jars of spicy tomato soup. Smelled great before she canned it, it'll taste better this winter. You do have to use a pressure canner for safety on it.

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