Iowa corn----Sudden Death?

I talked to a farmer in central IA today and their corn is all dead and brown but it is not drying down from 30% or so. Test weights are low.

He said that the corn really didn't get too much frost but it is acting like it did.

The area seems to go north into MN.

Any of you seeing this too?
Southern MN got a pretty good early-freeze in certain areas... that was almost two weeks ago.

The following Monday, husband said you could definitely see the freeze damage on both corn and beans on his way to work.
In North central Iowa, the weather folks were saying we didn't have a frost, had a pretty good layer of ice on the pickup saying different.
A neighbor of mine had this 'sudden death' in his corn before the frost hit. I don't know what caused it. Jim
It is Goss Wilt. It is bad in many places this year. The corn will look good until about the time to finish and it dies. It knocks the yield 30-50%. The only way to fight it is resistant varieties of corn. No known spray to control it.
So it's Goss. It scared the bejeebies out of me when the neighbor told me about his corn, but so far mine hasn't shown any signs of it and it's late enough now that I think I can breathe again. I have enough loss from drown out already here in pothole country. Jim
Is that the one caused by so much residue left over every year so it just keeps passing from one year to the next?. I heard that the only real sure fire way of controlling itdwas to bring back the moldboard plow and turn all that residue under so it can't spread from season to season.

The moldboard still has it's place here and plenty of big farmers still use one from time to time.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Goss wilt is carried year to year in the residue for one year to the next. You have to watch using the corn stalks for bedding. The wilt will still be in the stalks and when you spread the manure you scatter the Goss wilt around too.

It is more common in NE and has spread east with the winds they claim.

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