Doctor doesn't have a clue.


Well-known Member
I to the Dr, he has no clue what's wrong with me. I thought I may have strep throat but didn't.
DR guesses that I may have a viral issue. Says there isn't anything I can take. My throat was sore, them my tongue was not only sore, but swollen. Coughed a lot. Last night my front lip was hurting, swollen, felt like I had a mouth full of cold sores, but it looked normal, just 3 times it size. Burning, nothing helped, couldn't eat anything with tomatoes. Chocolate milk shakes not only tasted good, felt real good.

Well some may say you can't trust the internet. I did all sorts of searches. Some places said I may be having a reaction to meds. When this started, I stopped all meds, blood thinner, Blood pressure, cholesterol, everything, cold turkey a week ago.

Last night I found a place said take benadryl to reduce swelling. I took two and went to bed. So far I've taken 6 benadryls and most of the pain and swelling is gone. So what's wrong with the Dr's? I'm not sure they know any more than google. Perhaps google knows more than they do.
It could be one of your meds. Wifes face and neck swelled up and she ended up in hospital. They found out she was having a reaction to one of the drugs she had been taking for years.

Swollen tongue is classic allergic reaction. Allergic reaction CAN be deadly quickly. Find a new Doc.
It likely is an allergic reaction and hopefully, it does not develop into Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and/or Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN).

My daughter had TEN in 2009 and almost died. Nine days in the burn unit at the University of Iowa Hospitals. If you start blistering, go to a burn unit ASAP.

nnalert antibiotic was the trigger for her.
As I have gotten older my allergies have started presenting different. If I have a mouth full of canker sores benedryl clears it right up overnight. Doesn't have to be food causing - pollen or chaff can cause me to get them.
Sounds like foot in mouth could be my problem. I
open my mouth only to exchange feet.

Dr had asked if I was around kids. Haven't been.
Hi i have heard storys of strange things Like the new allergy to rice, actually turn out to be a reaction to some banned in the home market chemical, that our foreign buddy's have dumped on there crop!
It happened a few years ago with a tangerine or something like that. guys only had to hold it to get a reaction. Maybe it's something like that you ate from a foreign country.
Could be anything as said, i know I have a bad reaction to a chemical sprayed in Canada on farm land. I have no clue where I am and what time of day a clock says like 7.30 am or pm. and a hole load of co ordination problems.
Regards Robert
I've got the seasonal allergies spring and fall which seem worse than usual this year, take all kinds of medicine to get by but two weeks ago tomorrow I got an instant sore throat, sore mouth, lips and a little later the inside of my nose between my eyes just got raw. Thought I had sinus infection so went to an after hour clinic, doctor said thought it was just allergies but talked her into some antibiotics which helped. I didn't have anything swollen though.
Back when I was about 19 or 20 years old and occasionally got in to a little too much beer I'd take a couple aspirins before going to bed, middle of the next day I'd start itching, neck face, back and shoulders would start breaking out in hives. That's no fun at all, took a while to figure it out and haven't had an aspirin in 45 years.
It's good to hear you found relief. Allergies and drug and food reactions can be a real bear to sort out. Marilyn's arms were breaking out and she went to a half dozen specialists and allergists till one finally figured out she has celiac. She stays off all gluten and she is mostly symptom free. I had to go through a process of elimination till I found out I can't eat chocolate, coffee creamer or anything with wheat in it. Took years to find that one. Good luck in finding out what you're reacting to and let us know what you find. Jim
Hard to go into a store and not see kids putting their grubby hands on everything they walk by. When I was a kid and would have been touching store stuff I was not interested in buying I would not even have hands today. My kids would have been the same way. Sad to say not my great grand kids. Most of them think everything is there for their inspection and not told different.
Setting in the Walmart entry waiting on the wife, a woman came in and grabbed a hand full of sanitizer towels and wiped down a shopping cart. When she walked past me I told her I saw the person that used that cart before you and they touched everything in the store as they walked by it.
George, Don't know what you might have but have that doctor check for MERSA infection. Deadly dangerous infection. Hope everything turns out OK.
That's a LARGE part of the much needed medical reform ! They need to train Dr's !
I can't begin to write all the misadventures me and my family have been thru over the years in doctor offices and hospitals !

I'm getting less and less interested in repairing my own equipment. I still have a hard time even finding a place to get oil changed they all seem to overfill everything ! I still end up doing them myself.
So it's darn hard to find a decent mechanic let alone a competent doctor. If you find one you are darned lucky.
This started 2 months ago so whatever I have hasn't killed me yet, can't be too serious.

The last time I saw my Dr. he said he only has 15 minutes to spend with me, he types up everything I say to him. I get very little out of him. Time to find another Dr.

I also have floating crystals in inner ear. The Dr had no clue about that either. I had to insist on seeing an ear, nose and throat Dr. He found my problem. I then pulled out a paper which I got off the internet from the mayo clinic. I asked the ENT Dr if this what you found, YEP? So I had a good idea what I had, family Dr didn't. So may bad mouth what's on the internet, you just have to sort through the good stuff and find your problem.

So Dr's really aren't as smart as everyone thinks. If it a common cold of the flu OK, but don't come there with something unusal, they have no clue.

If one were to rank Dr.s which one would be on the bottom of the food chain? Made it through med school on the pass/fail grading system. Family Dr?

"Dr had asked if I was around kids."

Kids as in reference to "children" or "Goats" ??? !

BIG difference.

Doc :>)
A friend has some health problems, including her lungs being shot. They took her file with them when her husband went to his doctor. He looked it over and asked why they haven't tested e,f,g, and l. Her doctor already had his mind made up what was wrong and wasn't hearing anything she told him. Doesn't surprise me at that hospital, though. They supply the doctors for the urgent care, and I had to repeat "yes, when I've worked 70 hours in the last 5 days cutting wheat" loudly the third time when he asked me if I was tired in the afternoons. Couldn't say no, I was yawning when he came in.

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