What Did You Do Today?


What a beautiful day it was here today in West Michigan! 54 degrees, blue sky, bright sun, light south wind. I opened the barn doors and took the little Ford 1320 out. Since there is no snow and the ground is not frozen, I graded the gravel driveway. Treatful for December!
Banner day! Well, sort of. Started with an Echocardiogram and Treadmill Stress Test after an "event" of sorts following a shift at Firehouse. Upside- I'm still here and none of the tech's looked too concerned during my test!
24 hr of no caffeine sucks!
Actually worked the driveway Wed...so we're on the same wavelength.
Besides what I said in my post about fixing that cab corner,I ground two loads of feed and bedded the barns.
One of the boys won a 32 inch flat screen TV and a surround sound system at his shop Christmas party. He already had a 32 inch flat screen,so he gave us the new one for Christmas along with a new Sauder entertainment center. He kept the surround sound for himself. He set that all up yesterday,but I had to do some finish up and clean up stuff on that project today.
I banded a young bull that I should have done a month or so ago for my parents, and helped dad move some of the heifers around in the barn.

If they all moved around that easy, he could almost catch them to tie them in the tie stalls himself. Sometimes they can really be stupid. Today they almost acted like they've done it before...

Donovan from Wisconsin
almost as warm here in western ny, my son and I cut up the load of logs I bought from a tree service. Should be just over 5 facecord. bill
I fixed the heater core in my semi and replaced the fan in themaster bath. I posted the heater core repair on tool talk. By the time I ran to menards for tye fan I had most of a day in the two jobs.
Plowed 10" of snow off the driveway, and plowed 5 other driveways. Started snowing yesterday afternoon and it quit around noon today. It is headed east so look out.
I started building a machine for grinding the edges of ceramic tile.
Going to canibilize an old wet saw, turn the arbor vertical instead of horizontal and use a diamond grinding wheel instead of a blade.
I want to embed some curved pieces of tile into a bathroom wall to make a design.
Cut, split, and hauled firewood to the three outdoor boilers we have on the farm. One at my house, one army brother's place, and one at my parents. Used two loader tractors and every third bucket full went to each stove. Got quite a bit done for two guys. About 2 cords at each stove.
Sold my dozer. Figured it was a good day so we hauled it up to the guys place in Freeland for him.

Tore up the grass a little turning and loading it. But it was worth it.

Yes it was a beautiful mid Michigan day. Always good when you get to see the sun this time of year.
Woke up to a text to call my uncle,s son. He gave me the message that my uncle passed away last night. He has been like a brother to me since he was the youngest of my dad,s family. Had Christmas supper and sat down on couch drew a couple of hard breaths and that was it. One never knows what tomorrow brings. At 73 I am now the oldest of the family left living.

Started the morning in the wood working shop figuring out a coffee table I'm making out of an old WD Allis hood for a friend. I WILL get it done! Went to Spencer to get some wood for the project and when Marilyn found out I was going she said "honey, can I come along?" Spent time in Spencer walking around in a gift shop thinking about the next stop - the bank. Had a chat with the banker, came home and ate lunch at 3:30 PM with nothing to eat since 6:00 breakfast. Did I mention my stomach revolts if I let it go empty? Can't just run in to a convenience store for a snack when you can't eat food with gluten. Did chores and cut out the cab corner on the Dodge. Got in at 7:00. Stomach feels a little better now. That Schell's dark is good medicine!
Wasn't that nice here in central Michigan(Isabella Co.) Cloudy and 40 but did get the combine cleaned up and washed, figured I better get it done while it is still above freezing.
Put new cabin air filters in my sons 2002 Honda Accord. Hes letting us use it since he got a new job and they handed the keys to him for a 2015 Ford Fusion. Let the grandson get involved so he learns more about mechanics. We'll see if the heat improves, its been pretty feeble. The filters were pretty bad, the job needed doing, thank goodness for youtube videos. Ya gotta take a lot of the dash apart and the glovebox out.
Started replacing the chandelier in the dining room at my son's in Brighton, MI. Ended up having to replace the old broken plastic box with a metal one. Then a long ride home, still can't drive after my shoulder replacement surgery, so wife is my cab driver. Then down to the neighbors for supper. Now catching up on some paperwork & waiting for the late news. Christmas and our 50th anniversary were great, but I'm tired.
Fed cattle this morning then set post in cement for a new fence this afternoon. Also on the Pastor search committee for my church which takes an hour or 2 most days.
Almost got to 60 in Missouri so set 2 corners and 4 brace posts for updated perimeter fence by barns. Clounds came in after dinner but still a nice day.
Nice day in NAR it was about 50 degrees and cloudy. It took all morning to get the cows fed. This afternoon I greased the backhoe and cleaned a little more on the fence row. The backhoe developed a leak so I quit for the day and fixed the leak.
Salted M46 here in MI, from county line to county line, oddly icy even though it was above freezing, roads were white with frost. Put up a stop sign that was run completely over by someone driving on said icy roads before I got there. Patched potholes rest of work day, went home, getting things around to cut wood tomorrow and start assembling Ford 201 3 cyl diesel fresh from the machine shop. Ross
finished the last of the soybeans ,,had more than our share of gloomy wet days here that I care to count
Started building a new lectern for the church. Been thinking about the design for a couple weeks, bought the materials this morning, got about half of it done.

Had company come over this evening, got interrupted. But after dinner it was a good excuse to slip away to the shop, let the ladies have a gab session!

"24 hr of no caffeine sucks!"

Drink TEA , the Tannic Acid in the Tea makes an acceptable replacement, doesn't quite work the same in the body but it helps. BTDT - I've had 4 "events", a couple of which were pretty serious.


(Retired Volunteer Firefighter with over 50 years in the Fire Service)
I decided it would probably be the last good day for a while so I went to the dump. Everybody thought it was a good day to go to the dump. It seemed like the only people working today were the dump employees. After lunch I went over to the church and installed another wall mounted heater with a built in thermostat. A few years ago they thought it would be a good idea to pay a guy $6000 to do some wiring. Did I ever tell you I hate to fix mistakes made by a guy who doesn't know what he is doing. He replaced all the reliable thermostats with residential programmable thermostats. They don't work to try to program them for just Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday nites. You can program MTWTF together and S+S together. He sure fooled these people. Built in 1978 and he convinced them it had to be brought up to current codes. Does it have to be brought up to code every year?
Not much. About the only thing constructive I did is get a 1/2 yard of DG to finish a horse path the city made me put in fronting my land. I had it all done, then the city thought it would be a good idea to extent it another 20 ft beyond my property. Stan
I worked until 8:30am then went to visit my parents. Got a few groceries for them. Then I went to Red Cross and donated platelets and plasma. This made my 52nd & 53rd donation to Red Cross. Then I got home and helped my wife clean house for her family Xmas here tomorrow. She's kind of down in the dumps since some aren't coming.
Pray for snow and cold weather this is bull crap feels like April not December how are the crops going to make it with no rain no snow everybody loves the good weather but where does are water come from Magic ? I don't think so . What happened to when they said a storm was coming you'd get a foot or Two snow now you get an inch or two and people cry like babies and its melted buy noon.
It certainly was a beautiful day here! (Ionia MI)
I putzed around in the shop tinkering with an old Farmall.
I had the shop doors open and the radio on, just enjoying the day.

I did make a frustrating trip to town for parts.
They didn't have anything I needed.
So I came home and grilled steak and baked potatoes for dinner.

Paul - Congrats on the Jubilee!
Went to our son's house for breakfast with the whole family about 8:30. Stayed there until 11 or so. Came home and decided to replace the walk in door on the shop. The wood on the bottom was rotting away after 10 years. Got the door out, on one side the door frame was rotted, so I hunted around for a 2x6 and a 1x6, found 2 short pieces. Cut out the bad part and replaced. 2 daughters and families stopped by on their way home. 4 grandkids here, 3 boys age 9 to 2 and 1 girl age 3. Only one that wanted a tractor ride was the 3 year old girl. Dipped the new wood in oil for a little bit before putting frame back together and set the new door in and fastened in. It opens and closes like it should so that job is out of the way before cold weather sets in. 50° here in NW Illinois today. Chris
Burns great. You need to control the air or it will get very hot. 3 small sticks in my Fisher stove last all night. Put it on about 9:30 and still glowing in the morning. I used to cut and sell fence posts but have got too old to do that anymore. Plus a tornado took down a bunch 18 months ago and it is well seasoned now. As far as getting it to start, I built a fire in early November and it has not gone out since. I have cleaned the ashes out once by letting it die down and moving the burning logs over to one side. Very few ashes with black locust.
I cut the blocks very short so my old back can pick them up and put on the splitter. Gonna rig me a hoist with a small log tong and a small electric winch I have.
Richard in NW SC



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