Time Capsule and remodel of home


Well-known Member
A thread on here was mentioned a few days ago about writing on rafters or studs, drywall or even leaving an item from the past to leave a history about a remodel of a home.

Look about this story...
Pretty cool
gtractorfan- Whenever I made something i.e. cradle, rocker, clocks, corner cabinets, hutches, etc. I would always rout into a back panel with a 'Dremel tool' about who made the item and when it was made. I would also include who it was made for.

I always felt it was something special I made for someone and hoped they would be happy with it, as I was making it for them.
I've built a dozen or so houses & wrote something in every house somewhere. I'm remodeling my daughters basement & someone wrote on one wall 10 17 24. I'm guessing that was the date they built the basement walls 10-17-1924. I'm going to get the abstract from her & read it & see if it tells me anything.
I built this house in 1973, still here 41 years later. The only time capsules I left were a few Busch beer cans in the walls. Since I didn't autograph them, someone in the future will have to guess at how they got there.
I built a house in 2001 and my kids all wrote on the walls behind the cabinets and other unseen places.
I left a SI swimsuit edition and a Playboy behind the kitchen cabinets. When ever they get tore out, Im sure I will have caused work to stop for awhile anyway.
When we were tearing down a house I pulled off a baseboard that had writing on it. The writing said "I removed this board to fix a heating pipe" I forget the month and day he wrote on the board but the year was 1944. To finish it off he said "to he!! With Hitler" then he signed his name. Dad still has the board.
I have bought and fixed up homes for the last 20 years. I always write my name, date, sometimes where I was born and birthday.
When I was in college whenever a wall got broke in our fraternity it always got some sort of memento along with the name of whoever did the repairs along with a date. Sometimes we'd even find something from a previous repair in the same spot.
I should get around to scanning some of the stuff someday that I've found in this house. There was an 1887 Farmers Almanac under a window when he took the lath and plaster off in one room.
The kitchen and back room were added in 1902. I've found newspapers behind the wallpaper from then. Ads for such things as Edison Electric asking the burning question "Building a new factory? Consider electric power".
There was a local paper from the 50s in a crack in the stairway with front page pictures of the "new" bank building in town.
Help clean out and tear down an old dance hall. On the stage wall (where it wasn't water damaged anyway), the guests that played there signed their names. Pulled that section of wall off in one piece and gave it to property owner. Then while poking around in a back corner I found a writing that said when the hall opened (June 1929) with the artist that played. When we got into the walls/under the floor, found a couple of still sealed cans of something(no label didn't open) and a soda bottle from '29 as well
I have a friend who use to do drywall work. And when he does any texturing he always put his kids and wife's name in the texture, but you couldn't see it unless he told you where it was, than you could see it .....I always thought it was kinda clever....Jim in N.M.

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