Spooky feelings I rember


Well-known Member
The post about the nazi cattle and how mean they were, got me to thinking about when I was raising hogs for market.

I could approach the hog barn and hear the hogs just doing their normal sounds. But as I entered the building and a hog notices me, it would let out a loud grunt and the whole barn of hogs would instantly freeze in their position and not make a sound. The whole barn would go deathly quiet.

Every time that would happen with me it would send cold chills down my spine. Somehow it made me feel as if they were communicating to each other and conspiring against me and then I walk in on them.
I know what you mean about that grunt one hog would let out when they heard the door opening or such. The alarm was sounded!! In my case it meant " here comes the farmer, quick everybody back in your pens" My hog pens had horizontal bars, which acted as ladders for pigs . Once a pig learned to climb out, they would get out every day. But they would run and jump back into their pens and wait to be fed , as if no one was every out.
That may be a pig safety alert. Everyone freeze until the danger passes. If its a lion, and he spots us, run like heck, and hope you are faster than the slowest pig. Stan
In high school (late 70s) we had a princible that you could not look in the eyes, No body could. He was 6'4" dark complected jet black hair allways wore a light blue suite and had pail blue eyes. He could sneak into the back of a class room and no one would see him BUT everyone would straiten up in there seats and the little hairs on the back of your neck would stand on end and you got a shiver down your spine!

15 years ago me and the wife were out to eat when I got that same feeling and sat up strait and my wife said you look like you seen a ghost? About that time he walked up from behind me and my wife looked at him and looked away real quick as he passed and she got the willies. Did you see that mans eyes? There evil lookin! Oh that's my old high school princable, The one I told you about. He gives me the hebegeebees she said! Now I see what you mean about his presents. 20 so years later he still gets to me and still sends a shiver down my spine. Bandit
In my case that was sound was usually followed by the sound of stampeding hogs grunting and squealing. All of them, usually 20 plus, trying to exit the door I just came in 5 wide. The door only being a 2 wide door. Of course this was a shed in their pen they normally would exit and enter as they pleased when undisturbed.
I don't farrow in crates - I just rotate the sows through the pens closest to the loading chute. My oldest sow had a litter that was about a week old. I bought a registered boar that was only a few months old so I put him in the pen next to her. She was not happy. She was running him down the shared fence. I yelled at her and she quit. For the next three days she wouldn't look at me. When I went in to feed she would get up and turn to face away from me. If I moved she kept moving so she wasn't looking at me. She pouted for three days and finally got over it. Pigs are so smart it is scary.

This is no lie - same pen and hog. She farrowed when the apples were ripe. One night I was feeding and I pointed to the gate on the other side of the lot and told her that if she went and stood over there I would get her a bucket of old apples. Bet your life she did it. She's earned her spot here. She's better than either of the dogs.
Slowest pig. Saw a video yesterday. Bison being attacked by wolves. A couple others run over some wolves as they run by. The last one hits the one being attacked and flips him over.

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