2015 Central Illinois Roundup Wrapup


Well-known Member
Reportedly the first in the nation again this year, the 4th annual YT Roundup was held at the Burger Barge in East Peoria, Illinois. This event was attended by 11 members (2 new), 1 auxillary and 2 junior members. Four (4) members have perfect attendence to all of the Roundups. Can you name these rascals?

Discussions included new(and old romances), antique farm equipment, health updates, tractor tires, tractor pulling and some crop problems I have never heard of!

Was a very good day and as the glennster says "Look at all that Handsomeness"! Thanks oleblu for setting this up.

PS: Table markers are NOT age indicators!



It was a great day!! The place was perfect for the likes of us. Pleased to meet the new people and see all the regulars. Jim, thanks for setting it up, Kruser, thanks for the door prizes. Glennster brot some old operators manuals he didn't need anymore and gave everyone choice, I got a manual for my JD 400 rotary hoe. I didn't realize you needed a manual to figure out a rotary hoe, but that just shows how much I Know!! Glennster, Thanks for bringing the tires, I'll do my best to give them a good home. Annie, thanks for keeping Larry in line for us. Mrs ole blu better keep an eye out on ole blu, I think the waitress was sweet on him. Thanks everyone for coming, wishing you all a safe, healthy and prosperous 2015! Chris
Yupper lot of handsomeness there!!!! Mostly.... And larry neil brought a lovely young lady with him!!!!!
Thanks for the pictures. Wish I could of been there, but six hundred miles is a little to far .
I would like to meet LarryNeil someday, as I grew up in N E Ill.
Looks like ever one had plenty to eat! clint

Wish I could have been there to meet you guys but 350+ miles didn't work out this weekend. My sis lives in the Quad Cities and her daughter lives in Peoria so I know the area. Maybe next year.
Yep! Can't show her off enough!
I agree with all the comments, especially Super 99's, a great day indeed and a hoot to see everybody there!!!Many thanks to Ole Blu and Kruser for keeping this going.
Wrigley was not in attendance this year. Guess he's about 50/50 now.
I'm a little concerned that if I bring wrigley the waitresses will be hanging all over him and the glennster won't get to hug all the girls. I know there's a lot of handsome in that pic but ole wrigley is a game changer!
It was a blast, as always. It was nice to see some new faces. For you that didn't make it, kruser provided door prizes. I heard rumor next year there could be seminars on how to rewire your house using barbed wire and how to fix the aluminum F150's using playdoh! I'm excited already!
Hope everyone had a safe trip home.

P.s. Going shopping with the mrs this afternoon. May try some of that advice Larry and Glenn gave me. So Kruser, if I'm knocking on your door later today carry a suitcase you will know what happened!
(quoted from post at 21:26:03 01/11/15) For the "outsiders", would an "insider" consider connecting faces and names for us?? Thanks

Ron in MN

I'm the handsome fella with the beard seated second from right in the group shot. My two boys are the junior YTers in the front.

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