Cranberry Juice?


Well-known Member
Not sure if this really works. Has anyone heard of cranberry juice clearing arteries? It would be nice if it did.

Cranberry juice helps in improving flexibility of arteries, so that they remain sufficiently dilated so as to not obstruct blood flow. It appears that what helps in clearing urinary tract infections, also works to clear arteries and prevent accumulation of plaque, which otherwise leads to atherosclerosis or arteriosclerotic vascular disease.
My wife had 3 stents put in the first part of Sept and the heart doctor told her to drink a glass of cranberry juice a day. I have heard about the flushing the kidneys before
I don't know if it's good for you but I've always loved it.
I drink about a gallon a week of the stuff. Have for years. In the summer I water it down about 50/50 and drink about 2 gallons of that a week.
It's nice to know your wife has a Dr that thinks something natural works. Wish my Dr did. Did her Dr also want her to take an Rx?

Does your wife drink sweet or unsweetened cranberry?
Sounds like OJ and dark grape juice might be good too.

Drink orange juice every day. More research is needed, but according to Dr. Phillip Chua at the Cebu Doctors' Hospital's Cardiovascular Center, daily consumption of orange juice appears to help increase "good," or HDL, cholesterol. Because HDL cholesterol helps sweep plaque out of your arteries, the higher your HDL level is, the better off you are.
Add grape juice to your diet. In a study reported in the American Heart Association journal "Circulation," purple grape juice was found to help participants' blood vessels dilate more fully, helping to prevent "bad" cholesterol from attaching to artery walls. As with orange juice, more research is needed, but these results indicate that the regular use of grape juice in your daily diet might be beneficial to your arterial plaque level.

Do you know of a Dr recommending OJ or grape to lower plaque?
I never Heard of using it to clean arteries, but if it works like that, then mine must be very clean. I drink toooo much coffee every day, and suspect, that is why my kidneys hurt monthly. I hit the cranberry juice, when I feel the ache starting, and 2 gallons later, I am fine for another month or two. By the way, a couple of cans of the whole berry, cranberry sauce, works the same way, and you don't have to drink so much juice.
Glad to here you are all enjoying the benefits of cranberries...and supporting us cranberry growers. I'm sure there are a few of us on here.

Lots of research supporting the benefits of drinking cranberry juice and eating sweetened dried cranberries (SDC's) or Craisins - renal, dental and cardiovascular health to name a few.

Really, eating a balanced diet with a variety of dark fruits and veg regularly is probably best for all. Concentrating on one thing is probably not the wise...not to mention kind of boring.

There are a few fruit wineries around making cranberry wine, I supplied one guy with some for a couple years. Its pretty good, but you cant compare fruit wine to some of the great wines coming out of the vineyards in CA, ONT, and BC...I'm sure many other places too.

Yellow Point Cranberries
Yep, I agree, dark fruits, blueberries, cran's, all excellent. But come on, guys..... wouldn't you just chuckle if you saw a lot of doctors sitting around the hospital coffee shop, offering advice on over-bores on a JD 60, fine tuning the old Oliver carb found in the shed, brake adjustments on the H Farmall without stopping the oil leaks.... Wouldn't you want to say, "Hey, boys, all due respect, but you guys just don't know, you guys are guessing and supposing, why don't you just listen to the experts, the old boys on YT Tractors dot com? That's why I think medically, I best listen to the medical experts, not the tractor experts.
Guess I need to check it out. Since mt stroke doc said no more Grape Fruit or Oranges. Due to the meds I take.Sure getting tired of water and a Coke once a week.
Along with Coenzyme Q-10 to keep the pipes flexible which is a key element in not having cholesterol related problems. Ref: Dr. Steven Sinatra, Board Certified Cardiologist who has a clinic in NY, teaches classes to other MDs on the subject of Cardiology, and has his own news letters. If you're worried about your ticker and your pipes subscribe to his news letter. Real down to earth guy.

One thing he said (in one of his letters) that got my attention was that he had to throw out everything he learned in Med. School, and start over. Now that is quite a statement considering just what he said and who he is today. Got my attention. The other thing I like about him is that his method of practicing medicine is: If you need the knife you get it, if you don't you don't. You get alternative solutions when the need calls for them too. I really like that as I solve several potential problems with alternative solutions and my AMA educated MD whom I see every 6 months, is aware of that also.

I drink Cranberry juice also and if you buy 100% juice, that's what it contains. Sometimes it's mixed with other juices like apple for one. On the days I don't have a big glass of that it's orange juice or V-8 style vegetable juice, all 100% juice, not the other stuff they sell which IS full guessed it.

I was really hoping to get a response like Billy J Shafer's, Dr actually recommended drinking cranberry juice. So I'm going to try it.

You can believe what your Dr recommends. As for me I'm tired of my Dr telling me to take a pill, then I have adverse side effects. Then I go back to see Dr and he has no idea what's wrong. See another Dr. same thing, no idea. Then I go to mayo clinic web site to find out the med is the cause.

Had an issue the past two summers, Dr didn't know, so he sends me to another Dr. He didn't know either. That's when I found on mayo clinic web page what my problem was and went to see an ENT Dr. He ran test and I was right. You may say get another family Dr. Easier said than done when you are on medicare.

One time a Dr told me in med school they learned half the time a patient gets better on their own. The other half ,the Dr gets it right. Most of the time the Dr doesn't know if what he did worked. The weather forecast is just about as good, 50/50.

I went cold turkey on BP, cholesterol and blood thinners. I figure what is, is what is. Time to live and time to die. I'm not taking more pills that make me sick.
Dr. kept telling me I had a urinary tract infection, but I had no symptoms. Just showed up in the blood test.

Started drinking cranberry juice and it made a difference.

100% cranberry juice by itself is a little tough to drink. I buy a jug of the 100% grape juice and put just enough grape juice in the cranberry juice to make the cranberry juice pleasant to drink.
Agree with you Aaron,

Except I prefer a black rum. Does wonders for me. Not sure if its the cranberry juice or the rum.

(quoted from post at 10:52:13 01/16/15) Dr. kept telling me I had a urinary tract infection, but I had no symptoms. Just showed up in the blood test.

Started drinking cranberry juice and it made a difference.

If you had no symptoms how do you know it made a difference?
Dollar General has a house brand and Ocean Spray. OS is currently in the frige, were out of their HB. Label says that the juice is mixed with a couple of other juices for the reason you mentioned. However, it's still 100% juice, not the "Juice Drink". Bigggggg difference per the label.


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