Well Michigan (and surrounds)...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
Best go out and bring in the brass monkeys! Just got back from inspection tour of the new barn. No one there but they framed in the doors and put on the purlins so the trusses are secure. Must have had enough of that north wind and I cannot blame them. About as cold as I can remember feeling, even if it is 7 degrees. Headed into the negatives tonight!
But at least the sun was shining all day. I Michigan,that's a rarity in the winter. The road was wet and so was any place where there was bare dirt.
I drove across a bean field in my Ford Fusion to get to the barn site. Contractor has a small road plowed thru the field. Most years I would not take my truck into that field! Frozen solid today so no problem but I hope he is done and out before the frost leaves. We had a full 24" of frost when we bored the holes for the poles. I can remember many a winter when we had no frost at all.
Suprised that they are doing much of anything done in this weather. We did mine in November/December. There were several days weather preventing or limiting work. Told the guys as much as I wanted it done, there was no reason to risk anyone's health or safety.

On the same line - have told my fire cheif that there is nothing in my buildings worth a man's life or injury. He's been told back and see how far they can spray water.
Sun didn't shine today near Traverse City. Too close to the big lake, cloudy and flurries most all day, and poor visibility at times with the wind blowing it around. Didn't amount to much snow, but it is cold.
I heard the actual story of the term "freezing the balls off a Brass Monkey" a year ago,,On the old Man of War ships the cannon balls were stored on a stand made of Brass, called "Monkeys" placed near the cannons,, when the brass would get really cold it would contract in a way that the canon balls would roll off,, thus so cold it froze the balls off a Brass Monkey...
Well that is kinda up to them, Ray. Contractor builds only barns and he builds them for just about everyone around here. He had me scheduled last fall before the township pulled the "no barns on agricultural land" argument which later even they had to admit made no sense. BUT three months of waiting and meetings and sword rattling and the guy is booked back to back on barns. So a fella out in Fowlerville had major trouble with his permit so I got slid into his spot. He keeps going because he has a backlog of barns to build. Even so, he did not put on the roof sheeting today due to possible snow Saturday.
Tim, I thought you were older than that. Our hired men told me that saying years ago. The worst to prove that saying was in Goldfield, IA in the early 60s at -32!! Plus 83 inches of snow that year.
Ooh I am older than that, 63,, I heard it years ago too,, but just this heard the explanation a year ago...
So cold things like this happen, lol.
That's the fellas. Seems like the only one to use around here. Doesn't matter who you ask, big farmer or small homeowner, he is the goto guy for a shed around here. Top notch too. Doesn't show up with a lot of felons, has a good crew. Works every day, fair contract. Better give him a call though, he is busy. E-mail your phone number again if you want. I will see him tomorrow most likely, I can give it to him. I would look it up but it is 10:30 and I am still working tonight.

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