e-Cigarette smokers ???



Having been a 20-a-day-plus smoker for 40 years I now can't afford to smoke the real thing at $14 a pack of 20!!!!

Started using this e-GO Twist make which has adjustable voltage setting. After buying several makes of fluid found a tobacco flavoured one that I almost like the taste of.

Resisted using the strawberry, banana or mint flavoured fluids.

Any one else on here using them?
My niece used one of those - for awhile - it didn't
help. Of course, you have to WANT to quit - and she
didn't. She would smoke the E MORE than the real
cigs. If she was someplace in the morning where she
couldn't smoke, then she would smoke THOSE in the
afternoon (along with the "afternoon allotment"...).
In the end, she went back to the real ones.
My wife smoked 2+ packs a day for almost 40 years. Bought an E Cig and really wanted to quit. Took 3 months to shut it down and hasn't lit up in over a year.

Good friend smoked as much as 3 packs a day for 35 years. Decided to quit. Woke up one day and just threw his cigs in the trash. He just celebrated 5 years smoke free last week.

Key in BOTH instances...? They WANTED TO QUIT.

Many people use E Cigs as a substitute, one which allows them to "smoke" in a smoke free environment. A guy I work with carries a "purse" around with all sorts of various flavors, spare batteries, etc....He's become extremely annoying to everyone around him with his constant fiddling with E cigs.

Makes my SO happy I got sick and turned green on the first (and only) puff on a cig when I was 13. Never went any further with THAT bad habit.
I quit cold turkey about five years ago. I harassed the wife
again and again and she finally threw out her cigs and bought
one just like the picture. She's attached to that stupid thing all
day. She doesn't take it to work but she sits at night and uses
it. We never smoked in the house so going outside to do it in
the winter was a deterrent. There's no deterrent now.

I looked at the ingredient list. The first thing in some of those
liquids is RV antifreeze. That's not any better than cigs. Oh
well, I don't think I would be able to pry that "crack pipe" from
her cold dead hands.
I used to smoke a pipe and cig. Threw everything away back in 1990,havent picked up any of them since.
ive been using different ones for almost a year now.

I started with one the same as the picture but ended up breaking it in half in my pocket. the threaded connector and on button is just a press fit into the black sleeve so be careful.

Ive had probably 50 different flavours but keep going back to a plain peach. most people I know that use the tobacco usually end up going back to cigarettes not everyone but most.

Im still weaning myself down on the nicotine level. I started at 18mg and am down to 6mg now.

Most people that don't know anything about them are the ones the say they are going to kill you. Ive never said they were good for you, but they are better then regular cigarettes. Studies ive seen say that they are 60% better then the analog cigarettes.

People can give me all the flack they want but I ENJOY smoking, always have. I started using the e-cig because of the cost.
The juices that you smoke in those things has some nasty a$$
chemicals in them. So basically your breathing in the fumes
and vapor from a heated chemical that you have no idea
what's in it... Not for me. That's just my 2 cents guys.
•Propylene glycol (not Ethylene glycol - which is toxic). Used in asthma inhalers and nebulizers. An experiment using animals determined "air containing these vapors in amounts up to the saturation point is completely harmless". The USA FDA has classified propylene glycol as "generally recognised as safe".
•Vegetable glycerol - low toxicity. Used in medications, cosmetic and food items.
Ok Steve, you win. I just never understood why a person would want to smoke? What's the point? And you are mistaken. Some of the juices. Maybe not all. Do have the same exact ingredient as RV antifreeze. Just look it up!
I used to smoke because I enjoyed it. Just like eating a nice piece of chocolate candy. I quit 42 years a go and hardly miss it more than two or three times a day. No, really, it was one of if not the stupidest things I ever did, start smoking. Made it through three years in the Army without smoking one lousy cigarette. Worked for IH dealer after I got out and a year later started smoking. You see, if a fellow worker lights up a cigarette and stand still for a few seconds taking in a few good drags no one says a word. If I just stood still for a few seconds, taking in a few deep breaths, looking around, boss asks, what's the problem. I know dumb reason but that was part of it.
2 Old, that's my smoking experience, tried one when I was 12-13, dad gave it to me to light firecrackers.

I wanted to be hip, slick, and cool, so I walked around smoking it, making sure everybody saw me while I annoyed them with firecrackers. Well, it was 4th July, had a bunch of people over for a cookout. We all sat down to eat, all my favorite foods, steak, baked potato...

Every bite I took, all I could taste was that nasty cigarette. End of that, thank God. Too bad it didn't work with beer, but that's another story!
my wife tried one and a guy I work with has one. they both say it makes them cough a lot and feel like something is not right. they both went back to smoking cigs. I don't thing the e-cig people ever tried to say they are safer. just that it is an alternative to the real thing. I quite cold turkey 5 years ago and don't miss them at all.
I don't smoke at all and don't care does or doesn't.

I hear that municipalities have and are voting to ban them indoors at restaurants and stuff just like real cigarettes. For example, I heard a couple or few weeks ago that the City of Chicago did. Now, if I understand this correctly, e-cigarettes are harmless as is any vapor expelled from exhaling from them, but entire cities have voted to ban them for...??? Again, I don't smoke and don't care who does or doesn't, especially on THIER private property, whether it be a restaurant or whatever. I figure if something that someone does on THEIR private property offends me, I don't go there. Our worlds need not cross. My Constitutional rights end on someone else's property line as their's do at mine. Just that simple.


Rather than pay $14 per pack, if I wanted to smoke I
would grow my own tobacco, like my grandfather did.

Buddy at work has one his looks more like a bong it's
electronic and I'm not sure what he puts in that thing but it
must be pretty dang good .

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