A Scary Funny


What would you do ?? I'd probably set the house on fire to make darn sure that there wasn't anymore !!!

I found it's cousin in the back room of my shop a year or so back. It's the only spider I remember encountering that didn't run away when I got close to it. In fact it sat there while I got my camera close enough to take it's picture, and just had that look about it that said, 'Don't mess with me....."

I also remember finding one in my wood pile about 10 years ago who's legs were wider in diameter than a wide mouth Mason jar, but I think this one put it to shame.
To keep it tractor related, I found one like that on my knee when driving the backhoe out of the barn once. Smacked it off just in time before it almost took my leg off. Tried to run it over but it was too fast. I went to the house to see if it was faster than a 12 gauge. When I finally found it back in the barn and blasted it I noticed the hole (right about where it was) where it got in.
We get those in our house from time to time. We just kill them and be done with it. I would rather see one of them than a roach.
I guess I don't understand arachnophobia. We always had so many in the barn that they don't bother me any more than the flies that they eat.
My wife gets annoyed that I don't kill spiders. I appreciate that they get all kinds of other insects. I saw one nearly an inch long crossing the living room floor a couple weeks ago, and let it go, but I think that I would have to eliminate anything bigger.
I guess I would step back and ask myself which bothers me most....the spider or the prey that brought the spider to where it is?
One of the (few) advantages of living in the north... no spiders (or snakes) that you have to worry about.
My daughter told me that while living in Ark. she would HEAR them walking across the floor at night. UMMM... I'll deal with the snow and cold thanks!
Most spiders don't bother me. I will kill them in the house, but generally leave them alone outside. The exception, of course, are black widows. They die wherever I find them.

Here in Tx we have a black and yellow spider that gets very large. The big ones have bodies that are about 1/2 wide and 2 or 3 inches long, not including the legs. I've never seen one inside. They get so big they give me the heeby jeebies.
I get spiders about that size (maybe slightly longer legspan) in my shop, though I haven't seen one in a couple of months.

I leave spiders alone outside or in the shop. In the house, also -- unless my wife sees one and insists on me dispatching it.
Looks like an orb weaver, sometimes they get huge, I had one on the check out shack at the lumberyard, used to feed it insects, all summer, the darned thing grew quite large for around here. We have a black and yellow species that I sometimes find in the fields when mowing.
Nancy, when we were kids we would toss grass hoppers in the web of those big black and yellow spiders and watch the spiders entomb them in a second or 2 by spinning them in web. gm
Check with Sig Hansen or the Hillstrands, see if there is a season on those up there, they do look related LOL !

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