Saigon, 40 years later

I was also long gone from that pat of the world. I remember seeing it on the tv. Very sad day at my house, it was all for nothing. I think I got drunk.
I was a to young to have been there. Did my 4 from 83-87. I did work for a Marine that was a sniper during that period. He told me one time when we were chatting about our time in the service that he was keeping the enemy at bay during the evac from on top of the embassy and was on the very last chopper out.

Could not have been a good time.
I was stationed in Saigon from 1968 to 69 and was there for the TET Offensive, that was bad but nothing like the fall of Saigon. Retired Army after 25 years.
I remember being 7 years old watching tapes showing planes and helecoptors taking off as Siagon fell. After winning every battle and winning the war the US Congress surrendered the peace and left over a million people to be murdered by the communist. The nnalert radicals in the Middle East need only look at recent history to know that all they have to do is wait and eventually they'll win. Even worse I doubt the US would even attempt some of the measures like Operation Babylift today.
By 1975 the war was not on most peoples minds anymore. I remember a young girl from my area saying how she was worried about her father because he worked for the State Dept in Saigon. I think he got out of there in the last gasp.
Those type things are a common occurrence after most every war, FDR sold Eastern Europe down the river to Stalin and the result was roughly 40 million murdered and starved to death.
I was class of 76. We did not have to register for the draft. I had a job offer in 95 to go to Hanoi and teach auto mechanics. I though hard about it and passed on it. Growing up near NAS Miramar I had a lot of friends who lost fathers and older brothers there.
(quoted from post at 10:23:50 05/01/15) I remember being 7 years old watching tapes showing planes and helecoptors taking off as Siagon fell. After winning every battle and winning the war the US Congress surrendered the peace and left over a million people to be murdered by the communist. The nnalert radicals in the Middle East need only look at recent history to know that all they have to do is wait and eventually they'll win. Even worse I doubt the US would even attempt some of the measures like Operation Babylift today.

Yep - sad but all too true. I reckon the fat cats had milked it for all they could get by then. Pretty much the same thing going on now :twisted:
My father-in-law was there, and left from the embassy in a helicopter, probably about 6 hours from the end. He had been back in the states, and flew back IN on the 28th to try to rescue his wife's family. He (and they) succeeded.

And now he's a farmer in east central IL.

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