Tail-Gater Warning


Well-known Member
Drove the H Farmnll into town to gas her up, car wash, etc., yesterday. I installed a rear view mirror a few years ago for trips like this. On the highway I spotted a semi high-tailing it for me, so as he got nearer I pulled over on the shoulder sa far as I could, but I was still on pavement. He got up to me, pulled out slightly, came whipping around, at full speed, OK, no problem, BUT right behind him on his tail was some gal tail-gating real close. She was staring at his trailer doors probably. No clue. Of course, the moron could not see that I was there, he pulled out, she had no idea, she just kept right on, 60 mph, right at me, missed the left rear tire by a few inches. I think I'm un-puckered by now.
I heard about one just yesterday that wasn't so lucky. A pickup pulling a stock trailer hit the rear of a car and pushed the car in to the back of a tractor.
Had a near miss here yesterday. Neighbor girl was following a vehicle and they come up on a tractor and mower. She witnessed the vehicle just barely miss the tractor when they passed. She pulled in behind and put on her flashers and followed until the tractor drive pulled off the main road.
Thats why you need to stay in your lane and not get part way off the pavement then the big rig would have to slow down to pass.Also did you have a slow moving sign?On a high traffic road I usually use a revolving light on the tractor too.
I'm glad everyone survived! The semi probably did slow down some, causing the car behind to bunch in.

I take tractors on side roads whenever possible, even if the distance is further. I also run the flasher lights during the daytime to give a some extra warning. A highway is really no place for an H. Would three 5 gallon gas cans be enough to fill it?
Bad idea driving on the burm,people will pass you in your own lane.That causes a lot of tractor accidents.The state patrol tells farmers to take up your full lane so they have to move to the other lane to pass you.
ride a tractor , ride a bike , or a scooter if you travel that way you increase your odds of getting hit .they are not watching where their going . I'm just not surprised at someone jogging , riding or other getting hit on the road .
Just had this happen last week. Guy's boat trailer hitch came undone so HE STOPPED IN HIS LANE to fix it. It's a local road leading to a Metro Park with 55 MPH. Guy creamed the trailer from behind. Killed the trailer puller with wife standing there watching. I drive that road a lot and the last thing you expect is a stopped vehicle in the road. It's pretty sparse traffic but get's busy on nice weekends. Don't know why the guy didn't or couldn't pull to the shoulder with the hitch dragging. Was probably afraid he'd damage it.


I got passed on a 2 lane here, the guy passed mr on right, on the shoulder. Scared the crap outta me.
A gal in Michigan was texting while driving and hit and killed a gal on a bicycle. Part of her sentence was she was forbidden from owning a mobile communications device for two years. I think it should have been for life.
I drove tractor to town last night 9 miles on state highway, yes your better off using the whole lane of travel, I tried (being nice) and getting way off on the shoulder (bad idea) when I had to come back on to the road to go around mailboxes and Bridge Crossing... I got the horn and finger from cars. Remember with your SMV sign by law you are to pull off one you get to many cars behind you, but no one follows those rules.... I would agree a beacon or rotating light is a good idea, also a orange flag, you can buy them at stores in the bike section for $ 5.00 I even were my seat belt in my cab tractor when on the main roads.
I know a man who died because of a similiar situation, he got rear ended. You may want to get gas can and not drive tractor to town.
Not a lot of tailgaters when I'm hauling one of these.Gun barrel is right at windshield level!
<a href="http://s1268.photobucket.com/user/douga3/media/DSCN0242.jpg.html" target="_blank">
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Guy just outside Finley North Dakota killed a guy on a bike . Turns out he was taking Selfies of himself on his phone while driving .

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