Selling a tractor on EBAY..advice needed

Kow Farmer

Well-known Member
Hi everyone,
Today I had a call from a guy saying he was from "EBAY"? His phone number is 402-932-0805. I don't recall his name. Seemed like a good guy. I am selling tractor for myself. This guy told me he scans the YT website classified ads to try to drum up business selling tractors. He gave me his sales pitch about the services he can provide. He says he lines up trucking etc. if I was to let him post an ad for me on EBAY. I believe he wants $395.00 to do this. He would create the ad, and yes there would be a huge plus to sell the tractor to a larger market on the web. I told him just to send me info for now, I am too busy at work to talk personal business. He got my phone number off my YT ad.
So my question for all you is, would you feel confident doing this? He would put the current price I am asking as the "reserve" price. He claims he just sold a tractor like mine recently for more than I am asking for it. I just don't need this tractor anymore, nothing wrong with it at all. I look forward to your responses. Thank you all. Have a good day.
Kow Farmer Kurt
There just scammers trying to charge you for something you can do yourself.If he can sell it for more than your asking,tell him to buy it.He could make more than $395.
I get more tractors sold from YT site than when I list same on ebay. Ebay has charges and commission why give that money away.. Last several I listed on ebay did not come near a reasonable reserve as many do not trust ebay anymore I later get my reserve from this site. Why pay him 395, IF he is legit, find a friend to list it if you want to try ebay. Just my free opinion.
Just does not sound right, I'd avoid it, list it on CL in multiple locations, if the prices is right and its as described, one would think thats all you need to do. CL ads are easy, you can select the method of contact, I do it by CL email as I don't want the phone number out there to be harvested for solicitation calls.

Don't even have his name,no credentials, just sounds too good to be true, + there is another person involved and there is also a fee for an "alleged" electronic tractor jockey, who can broker trucking, using his ebay account. You already have national advertising through the YT ad.
The internet is a wild and lawless place. Apparently, you have not yet got the memo about that???

Their goal is to cash many $495 checks, and they do very little to earn it, they don't bother promoting your stuff, they are too busy calling more people trying to get $495 checks from folk.

Its a scam.

Read about it on the other farm forum as well, just scam after scam trying to get your money. You never hear from them again, or notice anything they do.

Put the tractor on Craig's list, describe it well and spell things properly, so when people search with Search Tempest they will get a hit on your ad, and you will do much, much more for yourself. For free.

I'm not asking you to sell it here in the open forum and get you in trouble, but since I'm a neighbor, what you got in 3 brief words?

As mentioned, Ebay gets a cut. It's like 10% on normal stuff and I don't know what on big stuff. Ask the guy whose pocket ebay's cut comes out of.

I agree that if the guy is such a good salesman and can get more than your asking price then he should just buy it himself, flip it and make money that way. Much simpler and cleaner!
My neighbor got the same call when he put a soil finisher on Craigslist. They also said they would get more than he was asking and had just sold one like it. I think it is a scam as he was way overpriced to begin with. Tom
I have had those calls. I never considered giving the person a chance at selling my merchandise.

I like other posters on here felt like it was a scam.
Hi everyone,
Wow these people are persistent! the 2nd person called me about trying to sell my tractor for me not even 2 hours after the first call! Apparently these guys are machinery jockeys, they are not from EBAY I guess. I don't recall the "business name" he told me he was from, but the guy was a pretty persistent jerk about getting me to have them list my tractor for sale. I already have my tractor listed on a local CL ad. I will tell these guys to beat it. Thank you all for the advice. I figured it was a BS scam!
Kow Farmer Kurt
The one comment he made that was "For $395 I'll try and sell it for you" tells me it's a scam.

Don't have any further contact with this person.

I've sold too many items on ebay and for over 10 years now and have had counterfeit checks sent to me. I suspected it each time and I have a check here now for $2350 that was sent to me for a $100 item I had on Craigslist. They wanted me to deduct my $100 then pay the shipper by money gram to ship some living room furniture from Illinois to Texas. They put a tracking number on the envelope and knew it arrived later asked that day if I deposited so it would clear tomorrow. My reply was it takes 10-15 days for a check to clear. I haven't heard any more. I wouldn't answer them if I did hear from them. If you want to play their game you'll be the fool or sucker.

These scammers use broken English in their emails and are hard to understand over the phone.

Anybody that wants you to send them money is a scammer. Simply Put.

Hope you don't get taken. Glad you asked here first which is your first sign that something didn't seem right.
If he sold his for so much, why don't he just buy yours and sell it himself. You can post it on Ebay yourself and save that money. SCAMMER, beware of that guy. Shoot, I sell stuff on Ebay & I'll advertise it for you for a hundred + Ebay fees and tell you up front I'm scamming you LOL. Keith
I will tell these guys to beat it.

kow don't do that you can get quite a bit of entertainment out of this play dumb, act extremely interested, naive, and keep us informed for well deserved laughs......
If you aren't having any luck locally I would look at selling it through Auction Time, I dont know what they charge but I have been watching items sell for the last year or so and haven't found a bargain yet.

Sounds like a scam. You can take some pictures and sell it on traktorhaus for nothing as a private seller and get national attention, too.....
The 402 area code is for pretty much and a bit more than the entire Eastern half of Nebraska. Not just Omaha. If you know where Valentine is, it's 402.

I would ask the guy for listing numbers of some of his current Ebay auctions, and also reference phone numbers for people he has sold for in the past. It could very well be a guy who writes good ads trying to earn a legitimate sideline income. Could also be a scam. More investigation is needed.
lots of aholes who know a bit about computers trying to charge you for something you can do yourself.

I had one of them after me two years ago. He got my number from Tractor House. I told him fine go ahead sell it for me I'll send you the $450.00 as soon as I get paid for the tractor. Then we went around and around as I was going round and round my field. I guess I am not very persuasive I couldn't get him to run the add without an upfront payment.
Thank him politely for the 'idea' and say you will have someone local list it.(young relative could probably do it without even pausing his video game...)

a real 'tractor jockey' would just buy it if there was money to be made on it.

under new ebay policies, an established seller with good rating would never risk their account by selling someone else's unknown quality item.

That kind of middle-man stuff for ebay was a big business around my area for some time, but I think interest in it is less now. There were even store fronts where you could drop off small items and, for a fee, they would sell them for you on ebay and handle the photos, the ad, shipping etc. All you had to do was collect your money later, minus their fee. I don't see why that wouldn't work for large items like tractors as well, but you have to determine if the fee is worth it or not.

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