ebay seller negative feedback or not??


Well-known Member
I am going to let you guys be the jury on this...I recently purchased a small part. A couple days later the seller refunded my money and told me that he had already sold the part. It really ticks me off that people post items on there and leave it on there after the item has sold. This isn't the first time it's happened to me. It mainly occurs when a seller has a lot of items listed. It was one of those buy it now auctions.
I don't think you can leave negative feedback after the money is refunded as the transaction is cancelled and therefore there is nothing left to attach the feedback to. It is certainly annoying when that happens but I don't think you can do anything about it.
I don't either. You don't know the circumstances and are passing judgement anyway. Obviously your choice but to me the reputation sells the part and if you ding him and he doesn't deserve it, shame on you. Obviously this is an opinionated answer.
You can and you should, thats the way feedback is designed to work. The seller should be taking care of things so that they dont sell what they dont have. The buyer can end up getting the shaft by missing out on a good price from someone else by trying to buy from the seller that dont have stock. For that bit of bad business, the seller deserves the negative.

Unless its changed recently, the buyer can still leave negative feedback for a refunded (canceled) sale. I ran into this a year ago, seller tried to undo a sale after the stupid listing employee (wife) messed up the shipping costs. We bounced a few emails back and forth and eventually worked it out but leaving negative was one of my options (Ebay users forum confirmed it).

While its your job as a good ebay user to share your experience, 1 negative wont hurt them much (which is good). But you have to think of it this way, what if everybody let bad sellers slide, nobody would have any idea what sellers are good guys and what ones are bums.
Accidents happen. I sell on ebay. I have about 150 items listed daily. When you have that many items. It is very easy to click on the wrong thing and relist a sold item by accident. Just this week I was surfing ebay and one of my items came up.I had to check my inventory to see if I still had one left, I didn't. I very quickly had to end it because I had sold it last month.

I'm sure the seller is not trying to rip you off. He made a mistake. EVERYONE ON EARTH MAKES MISTAKES!

If you were the seller. What feedback would you want?
When a seller cancelles a transaction. His defect rating is lowered. If your defect rate gets too low your fees can go up. Ebay is expensive enough!

A buyer can cancel at any time and that is okay. The seller is punished. Another unfair ebay rule.
Yeah and what if the opposite were true and you were a clean cut kind of guy trying to make a living at something and you kept getting
nebulous dings for reasons unknown to the dinger. Now if you were just an outright crook, like a kid I met trying to sell his
grandmother's camper without her knowledge, then shoot the sucker (figure of speech....I think).
I used to sell on ebay a lot. At one time I had over 3000 listings. Its tough to make sure all your inventory matches your listings. Combine that with the fact that I think ebay has glitches that will cause listings to get listed twice.
The seller could have not refunded your money and lied to you saying it shipped. He told the truth that he made a mistake and he refunded your money. Annoying, Yes, but thats life sometimes...
Some shops sell from their store front, on Amazon, on Craig's List and on ebay, listing items at all four sites at once with a "buy-it-now" price. If your transaction was cancelled and all your money was refunded, I don't think you can leave any feedback, nor should you.
Here is another problem with ebay listings. You list an item for sale. You have five items available. When the listing ends and you have sold two items. You hit the relist link and good old ebay resets the quantity back to five available. if the seller does not catch this and another ebayer buys four. You have a problem! And the worst part is it's the sellers fault. it's good old Ebay for resetting the quantity back to five when it should have been three.

If this happened to you. Would you want negative feedback????
(quoted from post at 20:47:54 07/11/15) Yeah and what if the opposite were true and you were a clean cut kind of guy trying to make a living at something and you kept getting
nebulous dings for reasons unknown to the dinger. Now if you were just an outright crook, like a kid I met trying to sell his
grandmother's camper without her knowledge, then shoot the sucker (figure of speech....I think).

Well Im not sure how you can relate the opposite being the case or how you can relate to "nebulous dings for reasons unknown to the dinger". The seller will know good and well how they got the negative feedback, there is no question about it. And as I said, 1 negative aint going to hurt anything. Its a pattern of negatives that can (but not always) cause problems. Its up to the seller to act in a way that avoids that situation, for example: if you have too many listings on ebay and you cant keep things straight then you will likely get 1 or some negatives. Well, common sense will start talking to the seller and telling them to cut back the number to a managable level.

Its no different than going down to the local cafe and getting a chicken sandwich. Sure, people make mistakes and maybe they send me out a sandwich thats raw/undercooked. It happens, right? Well I get sick, puke my guts out for a few days, soil my drawers more than once and get better. Well am I to keep my mouth shut so nobody knows about what they did? No, I will mention it to people, just like you will (call that feedback) and if too many people hear about the bad food at times, they will eat elsewhere. Think of that as a large number of negative feedbacks and people stop buying. Now imagine a world where people didnt share their buying experience, be it ebay, your local cafe or some other business.

Sorry but the proper thing to do is leave the negative. If they are a good seller it will mean nothing. If they are turning into a bad seller, it will start catching up to them. Its just the way the feedback system is designed to work.
I'd leave a Neutral and say exactly what happened so those checking feedback can decide for themselves if its something the seller makes a habit doing or this was a one time thing.Or maybe just does a poor job keeping up with their listings.
My .02 = It might not even be worth the bother... If he refunded you promptly and you didn't actually have a "transaction" he can contact eBay customer service and have your comment removed.
Contrary to what has already been posted, I would say that a negative feedback DOES hurt the seller. Most, if not all potential buyers will look through the feedback of a seller. They look at the NEGATIVES - not the positives. I certainly do. Negatives tell me more about the seller than the rest of the feedback. It tells me how that seller handled a problem or misunderstanding.

Example: I recently bought a set of valves for an engine that I was repairing. Lack of maintenance caused the timing belt to break, and it bent all of the valves. While doing the valve job, I saw that a couple of the intake valves were way out of concentric and would not true up on my facing grinder. I notified the seller of the problem (rather than posting negative feedback) and he sent me replacement valves at his own expense. I came out of the deal very satisfied. He had a problem, and he made it right. I posted a good positive feedback for him.

In your case, the seller most likely did not intentionally cause a problem. Most probably had TWO buyers for the same item close enough together to cause one of the buyers to get their transaction cancelled. So, I suggest that you do the good Christian thing, and forgive and forget. Damaging him with bad feedback is simply an unkind act.
I would have thought that the listing should have said SOLD on it after the first time. I wouldn't worry about it anyway, you did get your money back, at least the guy was honest.
Have you ever sold on ebay? If you have you will realize sometimes "stuff happens".

As to your transaction, you got your money back yet you are "out for blood".

Are you such an angry person in real life as you are on ebay?
look through the sellers feedback youll soon see if hes one that does this a lot if he does then negative feedback if it was a one time thing then neutral feedback dont be afrai to leave a negative some of these guys are flat crooked ebay wont do a thing to em look at some of the big auto parts sellers ya there score will be 98 percent positive but when then sell 5000 tranactions a month and every other feed back is negative yet there still on there
i bought a grille for my truck off ehump well it came broke all to heck big seller with like 98 or 99 postives well i got looking almost 30 or 40 fee backs a month saying broken parts and small refun offerd guess what i emailed em they said well we give you a discount ten bucks i said no 15 or ill sen it back and leve negative they said ok
Would depend on the sellers response. If they were quick to respond, and cancelled the transaction promptly, admitting their mistake, I would probably let it go. I buy and sell on ebay from time to time, and there are several that deserve negative feedback. I nearly left negative feedback for a seller recently due to the fact he listed the item with expedited shipping charges (I have no problem paying and it was up front what he was charging), however he never shipped for a few days after the auction ended. Seller stated that he forgot to ship, then asked his wife to take to post office, and according to tracking that did not happen either. I ended up giving the seller the benefit of the doubt since he apologized, said it was due to a work emergency, and it ended up only arriving one day later than expected delivery date. Honestly, I should have asked the seller to refund some shipping charges since he was in fact charging extra and specifying expedited shipping, but I let it go and maybe he will learn from his experience. Things do happen.
let it go. (don't leave any feedback at all)
It's in the past, you are really only hurting yourself even thinking about it.

I buy/sell/trade a lot..some good, some not so good, deals....only have one rule..'never look back'
doesn't do a bit a good on past things, just makes my head hurt.
I read all these post and what i get is most(not all) are just like what is happening in our world.
The seller has control of his item but let us blame the buyer for the seller not taking care of his business.
Should people not be responsible for their own actions? Bob
(quoted from post at 18:47:51 07/11/15) I am going to let you guys be the jury on this...I recently purchased a small part. A couple days later the seller refunded my money and told me that he had already sold the part. It really ticks me off that people post items on there and leave it on there after the item has sold. This isn't the first time it's happened to me. It mainly occurs when a seller has a lot of items listed. It was one of those buy it now auctions.

If he admitted that it was HIS mistake and didn't blame his wife or some other scapegoat and he made it right with you, I'd give him a break; EVERYone makes a mistake now and then - let it go! 8)
He could have dragged it out and made excuses. He did refund your money. Don't know as he could do much more. I think I'd give the guy a pass and move on. Everyone makes mistakes.
Once the seller refunded the money they are as good as gold to ebay. You can't leave feedback even though you should at times. If an item doesn't bring enough money some sellers will have problems and issue a refund when you file a complaint. Gets them off the hook and they can resell it in a few weeks. Had that happen a few times so those sellers are on my don't look list.
(quoted from post at 06:21:14 07/12/15) Life is to short to get worked up over the small things like this. Lot it go and move on.

My thoughts exactly. That is the very reason that I have stopped shopping on ebay. I simply do not need the frustrations.

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