It Rained only Twice this summer


Well-known Member
the 1st time it rained for 20 days and the 2nd time it rained for 35 daze,,. was at the IND Harrison co fair last nite and heard that and Also Indiana may become the 6th Great Lake....local old -timers folklore maintains that it always rains fair week to break a drought ... . so we have been bracing for more mud..////seriously, although it has rained a half inch every day HERE,, Harrison County has been spared from the last 3 heavy rains of 3-7 inches or more ,that fell on counties north and east of us since Sunday... and this morning we were spared again, a heavy band of Storms hit the good folks in Seymour Ind and traveled s/east and is now down in central KY.. those areas have seen lots of flooding in areas that rarely do ,,. and here , I worry about my hay getting washed again,, I got it easy , compared to them .. whats your weather like ?
We could use some of that rain. We had a shower yesterday morning and another one overnight. Three quarters of an inch total. We had .65 two weeks ago. Pretty much just been a typical summer moisture wise.
I thought they said this morning that it had been six hundred and some odd days now since the temperature hit 90 degrees in Grand Rapids.
Central MN (we have been lucky) across the central portion of MN it is near perfect. some a little wetter some a bit more dry, but very good moisture. Northern MN got hammered day before yesterday, and the southern parts were wetter than needed, and some have been flooded. Jim
We received 16 inches in June and 4 inches so far in July. I'm in ne MD. Grass needs cutting quite often. Hal
Boy! 2 yrs without ever hittin 90 degrees sure sounds good and heavenly , Randy ..1st time I read your post I mist the author . I had scrolled down too far and only caught the mid section ,and between talkin with my sara and catchin some news .. I misread at a glance , and I was thinkin the poster must be down in Texas ,talkin about 600 straight daze of 90 degree+heat.. WHAYT??/!!!, never was too good at doing 2 or more thangs at the same time .. LOL ,.it is 90 every afternoon here and the air is so thik with humidity one feels like they are eating each breath ,.. a real rain forest eco-system.
I wanna say they said 692 days. They're forecasting 90 and humid this coming weekend. I don't know if I can even function if it does. It was bad enough Sunday with temps in the 80s and humid. I felt about half dead by four in the afternoon.
golly Randy,... I thought maybe it was just me not able to hold my end anymore .LOl.. I recall working rite on thru that heat framing houses and putting on roofs in my younger days as a home improvement contractor ,,. but that probably made me 58 yrs old, and I feel it too,,.LOL ,my son does that now ...//, these days , with melanoma from the sun nipin my neck and arms . I usually hit it hard on the farm at 1st lite ,come in around 1 or 2 for lunch ,, if its miserably hot , a nap ,then around 4 go bak at it til dark thirty or so... , my parents only wanted us to work half a day growing up ,,.and they didn't care which 12 hours of the day that we chose , just long we got it done..
I know what you mean. I could toss square bales all day then milk in that hot humid stanchion barn after supper without it effecting me much,but at 60,I've had two heat strokes and it doesn't take much for me to get heat exhaustion anymore.
The wife was gone most of the day Sunday,so I figured with nothing else to do,I'd sort a bunch of heifers and get them turned out to breed. I tried to take my time,but they must have had the wrong idea about what I was trying to do to them because some of them put up quite a fight. Then yesterday morning,while it was still stagnant and humid,before the rain moved in and cooled things off,I sorted a load of fats. I was dizzy and short of breath the rest of the morning. I still can't say that I'm running on more than about half power. I need to grind feed today,but I think the stuff that's left in the bottom of the crib I've been grinding from will stay right there for another week or so. I've got two cribs that haven't been opened yet. That's gonna change today.
I couldn't believe how dry the lawns looked up around Alma and Ithaca yesterday. I hadn't hauled cattle in almost a month,but last time I went,they were practically flooded. We'd had some rain right then,but nothing like it appeared they'd had. The crops looked great,but the lawns were getting pretty pale.
I had to go on up to Clare to Don Nevill's. Things didn't look much different up there. I did see some corn that was tasseling though. Some south of Clare,then some south west of Alma.
randy ,uh-Ohh,. you mite have to do what I do to deal with the cruddy air of the ohio river basin ,,. went to allergy specialist last fall , too much whezzin, coffin,nazelcrud. ...found I was allergic to cats and roaches ,HUh ?/told my sara for yrs the house was stuffy on account of the 3 durn cats she keeps , and we don't have roaches ,,we are all still here cept the dog is at my nephews place now , and living outside where she happily belongs ,/// anyways ,, each AM , I take inhale two huffs in each nostril from one bottle and another healthy huff out of another nebuhlizer into my lungs , and take either a claritan d or aleve or alegra , or in worse case tylonol extreme sinus ,,. then after luynch I do a breathin treatment on a peacepipe thingy ,, and more allergy pillsif needed ,,.,.all that seems to have helped tremendously, this yr . I have more energy and stamina than I did 5 yrs ago.. btw , I trace my troubles bak to age 18 when yellow grain mold from moist hot milo put me in the hospital for 10 days.. thru my 20s and 30s I was slender as a whip and I did ok , cept 3 short stays in hospital for pneumonia from winter colds when I was in my 40s and gaining weight .. , then about 4yrs ago , because my sara was burning 2 pax a day, and I wanted to be social ,, lol , I took up pipe smoking , I always enjoyed a swisher sweet every sunday like pop did to aid digestion ,,. some folx can smoke and not have any bad effect ,, but I can not ,, ,,. today I refuse to smoke ,. and choose to breathe ,,. and life is good ,,. cept I cant get my hay MADE ,..
Rained here just three times--April, May and June. Nearly up to 50" at my house on the year.
About .4 I guess. There was .35 in the gauge from yesterday morning that I hadn't dumped. Had .75 in it this morning.
Last rain I got was .60 on July 6th. Up till the 6th we have had 15.24 since April 1 when the spring rains started. Got the rest of the hay baled last Wednesday after fighting high humidity and that .60 of rain. Now that the hay is done we have dry weather and the last couple of days the humidity has been fairly low for Iowa. Every year when I decide to bale the waterways I fight rain and high humidity and when I finally get done the rain shuts off and forgets to come back. LOL
awhh shux ,jon ,,, you just aint got enuf days to get them all out there ,.. besides you funnier ones than this'n to tell that are a whole lot cleaner .. this ones dirty and leaves us al l muddy and sloppy as hale ..

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