temperature question for Southerners,Is this a heat warning


Well-known Member
Alerts for: Grey - Bruce

3:41 PM EDT Monday 17 August 2015
Heat Warning in effect for:

Hanover - Dundalk - Southern Grey County
Owen Sound - Blue Mountains - Northern Grey County
Saugeen Shores - Kincardine - Southern Bruce County

Another hot and humid day is occurring with afternoon temperatures in the low thirties and humidex values of 37 to 40. Overnight temperatures tonight will also be warm with minimum readings of around 20 degrees or so.

The heat warning will likely be ended by Tuesday morning as daytime highs on Tuesday are expected to be below the warning criterion of 31 degrees. However, conditions will remain warm and humid with sporadic showers and thunderstorms through Thursday.

While extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for
- older adults
- infants and young children
- people with chronic illnesses such as breathing difficulties, heart conditions or psychiatric illnesses
- people who work in the heat
- people who exercise in the heat
- people without access to air conditioning and
- homeless people.

Drink plenty of liquids especially water before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration. Thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.

Heat warnings are issued when very high temperature or humidity conditions are expected to pose an elevated risk of heat illnesses, such as heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

Environment Canada meteorologists will update alerts as required. Please monitor local media or Weatheradio. To report severe weather, send an email to [email protected] or tweet reports to #ONStorm.
Lets put this in English so us in the U.S. can read it.

Another hot and humid day is occurring with afternoon temperatures in the high 80's to low 90's and heat index values of 98 to 104. Overnight temperatures tonight will also be warm with minimum readings of around 68 degrees or so.

The heat warning will likely be ended by Tuesday morning as daytime highs on Tuesday are expected to be below the warning criterion of 87 degrees. However, conditions will remain warm and humid with sporadic showers and thunderstorms through Thursday.

LOL We pray for days that cool in the summer.
Our all time record low for today is 67 and you guys are predicting 68 (20c) for tonight under a heat warning.

Now try this on for size.
Heat warning. Todays high temperature will be 96 (36c) to 104 (40c) with heat index values 110 (43c) to 120 (49c). Tonight will also be warm with a low temperature of 84 (29c). With 90% humidity at day break expect the heat index (feel like temperature) when you walk out the door tomorrow to feel like 98 (32c) degrees.
I live in that area (Hanover Ont) and had to get a job done today figured it to be about an hr worth of
work after 4 hrs and two of us working it's half done maybe
exhausted in 10 mins and drank about two gals of water and I rarely drink water while working
will have to finish it rain or shine tommorrow
Did ya'll hear about the couple from France and their 9 year old son who set out to walk a particular trail in the Mojave Desert? Between the three of them they had two 20 ounce bottles of water.

The sign at the start of the trail gave precautions including not to start the trail with less water than one gallon per person. The couple died of heat exhaustion. The lady turned around and started back to the start of the trail and didn't make it, and the man continued on the trail but also didn't make it. The boy survived, although severely dehydrated. He said his parents had been giving him two sips of water for each one sip they took.

Although beautiful, deserts can be very unforgiving. And a lot of foreign visitors, especially Europeans, have no concept of the distances here in the States.
Yesterday we watched "Desert Victory", made with actual footage by the British during WW2 about the campaign in North Africa.

One of the extras on the disk was a training video for US Airmen about surviving in the desert. It created a scenario of a B-24 crew that crash landed off course in the middle of nowhere and played out for several days until they were rescued. It was very well done with pretty good actors and narrator. I'd say it was better than 99% of the modern aviation training videos I've seen and I've seen plenty.
It's kind of funny all these heat advisories and warnings. A few weeks ago we had heat indexes in the 115 degree range. Yes it was hot but nothing we haven't experienced before. I don't worry much about the heat or humidity but when the dewpoint gets above 70 degrees it starts to bother me some. One day it was above 80 degrees, that is very unusual for here. I have quit listening to the TV weather and news, they have to make a drama out of everything and too many people go into a frenzy over almost nothing.
I agree about the drama....being everything now days has to be "instant gratification" you have to have something to keep someone's attention.
(quoted from post at 10:08:37 08/18/15) It's kind of funny all these heat advisories and warnings. A few weeks ago we had heat indexes in the 115 degree range. Yes it was hot but nothing we haven't experienced before. I don't worry much about the heat or humidity but when the dewpoint gets above 70 degrees it starts to bother me some. One day it was above 80 degrees, that is very unusual for here. I have quit listening to the TV weather and news, they have to make a drama out of everything and too many people go into a frenzy over almost nothing.

By nature some people need a crisis in thier lives . Now that most folk don't have starvation , disease , poverty or violence to worry about. They have to exaggerate minor situations to obtain thier ration of drama .
(quoted from post at 02:55:04 08/18/15) And a lot of foreign visitors, especially Europeans, have no concept of the distances here in the States.

My wife had some family visiting the States from Wales several years ago.They had grand plans to visit NY city and hit the beaches on the mid Atlantic coast, then visit the relatives in Illinois and on to Florida to Disney and etc. All this in a couple of weeks, driving of course. I guess they thought it was all within a couple of hours. They were advised of the time all that would take and it would be impossible in the time they had. They had no idea, all this before Google maps and GPS systems to plan things out. They ended up just seeing the family in IL.
They warn about 31 C these days. I grew up in that area and I remember the forecast for hot, hazy, and humid all the time in the late 70s
and 80's. I do remember humidex but not sure what was typical. That was normal summer weather back then. Now it gets a heat advisory?

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