
Well-known Member
I just read something in the NY post that made
reference to NY buying foreign products. The city
bought benches from Canada instead of the USA?
Is it just me or am I wrong, but as Americans do
you look at Canada as a foreign nation? I don't
even think of Mexico as a foreign nation. China
Japan Iran Iraq etc. I look at that as a foreign
nation. Maybe it's just me and I'm looking at it
wrong because Canada is above us Mexico's below
us in North America but I never thought of Canada
as a foreign nation. What do you guys think. I was
quite appalled as I'd rather buy things from Canada
than China, I've never once said that darn thing
failed because it's made in Canada! I can't tell you
how many times I've said that junk from China
While I agree products from Canada are far superior to products from China, I do look at any country other then USA as being foreign. Do our friends on YT from Canada look at us US as being foreign?
I'll never forget an episode of The Simpsons when the Canadians called the Americans Shatner stealing Mexico touchers. LOL
It is foreign, just not very. I choose what to buy on the basis of whether the component is good or not, whether it is priced reasonably, and whether the country is a real friend of the US (in my case). It boils down to quality and ethics.
Yes, Canada is a foreign country although a friendly one. They benefited greatly from the FTA but not as much as Mexico because US companies did not relocate to Canada because the wages for Canadian workers is much higher than some of those in this country. They do ship a lot of goods here and we buy much of their oil, natural gas and surplus electricity. Check your new car and see if Canada had a hand in it's building.

I live near the Thousand Islands bridge that connects the US and Canada. A rare sight there is a loaded truck crossing into Canada. EHA!
I don't think of Canada as a foreign nation at all. I consider them good neighbors. And we should all know how valuable good neighbors are.

Do I remember correctly that our border with them is the longest unsecured border in the world?
Heck no Jay , I go to Mich. weekly and spend more $$$ there than at home . I belong to an antique tractor club there and it's an international club, because a few Canucks are members .----->Larry --ont.
Yeah, them Canuckies is furrin. More forrin but freindlier than them dam Yankees. An we got ta call them Mericins, too. They jes aint us Kinfederites. Guess it ain't too bad, tho. We gits a lot a milk frum Penstertucky an a lot a gud garbige frum New York, Onliest wish is thaid buy more of our grits......
Not at all--whenever we go to the States, we experience the same language, same products in stores, same traditoins, much the same cultures---heck, there are places in Canada that seem less familiar to me than most of the US. Once it is realized that I am a Canadian, nearly all Americans treat me respectfully and very friendly and are interested in our country. Of all the nations in the world, I have always felt that our relationship with the US is unique and by far the best anywhere.

Ben--A proud Canadian and proud to be your friend and neighbour!!
Glad to hear that, proud to be your friend also. Iv always said if I ever have to leave NY, I'd go straight to Canada. I went there as a kid and remember eating in the skylon I think it was called! ? Lol that was about 30 years ago.
Depends on which Americans yer talkin' about: Spanish-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Japanese-Americans, African-Americans or, the minority, White-Americans (and would that be nnalert, Democratic, Conservative, Radical, Libertarian, Left-of-Center, Right-of-Center ....)? Oh yeah, that sounds just like us :) .

I'd say you guys are about as foreign as apple pie and ice cream. eh :)
I'm down here in the Catskills and all the hardwood timber goes to Canada to milled.
Canada, not foreign , would go back anytime. Mexico, very foreign you would have to drag or drug me to go there. joe
You can't give grits away in the north. Nobody wants them. I developed a liking for them because I lived in Georgia. The Army, you know. If I want a good plate of grits I have to travel 1000 miles south.
Yea Canada is a foreign nation.

As far shipping and goods are concerned, my SIL drives truck He takes lots of stuff into Canada and come back empty.


I wouldn't say Americans are foreign but they are rather odd at times .
To say what is an American ? There are probably 15 distinct regions and major sub cultures of Americans .
I agree B&D, but I couldent post what I thought
what an American is to me, I'd prolly be poofed, if
you know what I mean? Lol
JayinNY, you metion eating in the skylon? About 20 years ago when I got married for the 2nd time, we honeymooned at Niagara Fall Canada Yes it was a wonderful experience dining at the Skylon. and taking in the Maid of the Mist at the Falls & other attractions Yep I like Canada It's a darn shame you have to have a passport to go into Canada now days. DaveF.

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