Made the calender again.

jon f mn

Well-known Member
Got a picture of my truck in the anual Dart calender again this year. I got into it year before last, but didn't enter last year figuring to let some others get in. That got me a scolding from the lady that does them, so I sent in some this year. This is what they chose.

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I was one of 12 chosen from over 400 entries. Now I just need to find a pic of me that doesn't make me look homeless to go with it.
great picture Jon, Good job. My father was a trucker all his life my brother drives now also. I used to haul heavy equipment. Had my CDLs sence i was 20 im 55 now. So in saying that yes its a great picture
Only been to Florida a few times, been a couple years since I've been down there. They don't have much freight down there so they save it for the drivers that live there so they can get home.
Real nice picture, much better than the Petercar with his hood up in Ohio with three vultures circling overhead. It was in construction and no way to stop and get a picture. As far as the homeless thing, I had my White/Volvo for seven years and got home for two weeks a year, the rest of the time I lived in the truck looking for freight.

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