artificial sweetner..i better cut back,way back


I only use artificial sweetners in all my drinks and cooking.i drink 1 full gallon of iced tea or kool aid every day,7 days a week.each gal I put 25 pack in,so that's 175 a week,i use 2 everyday in coffee,up to 189 per week.go out for supper 4 nights a week,3 glasses of tea 2 packs each glass up to 213 per week.thats just what im absolutely positive of,213 packs of sweet n low a week.i gatta cut back,way back...

Work harder! Get thirstier! When I get thirsty I don't want anything sweet, just really cold water.
that's a very accurate number I gave,hard to believe when I add it up.lots of hot summer days I drink 1 1/2-2 gal of tea too
I don't understand how anyone can drink sweetened tea, let alone with artificial sweetener. Try drinking your iced tea straight for a week and you'll never go back.
WOW!!! That is a LOT of Aspartame. In my opinion, that stuff is POISON and should be banned. They banned saccharin and cyclamates for less.
Then there is that bitter aftertaste. YUCK!!!
If you are really trying to poison yourself, there are quicker methods. Strychnine, cyanide and warfarin come to mind.
Nu-Stevia is a natural sweetener that is not problematic. it is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Give it a whirl to see if it is a fit with your taste buds. Jim
I couldn't agree more. That stuff is NO GOOD. I am kind of starting to get away from things that have a lot of chemicals in it. Sure, a box of Mac and cheese is tasty, but Lordy that's full of things I can't pronounce. If the good Lord had intended us to eat aspartame he would have made it into a plant we could squish like sugar cane.

I read somewhere that your body doesn't know the difference between fake sugar and the real thing. You aren't doing yourself any favors.
Isn't that stuff flammable? Seriously. If you open a packet and sprinkle over an open flame, won't it go...WOOF or POOF? You really ingest that much? Better not go near an open flame or you're liable to go off like a grain elevator dust explosion...KABOOM.

They still make sweetners with saccharin in it. I got away from sweetners with Aspartame and saccharin years ago and use Splenda now.
Try pouring a 12 oz glass of lemonade, adding two teaspoons of Lipton iced tea powder. You'll never go back. LOL
You can read pros and cons about all the sweeteners, it seems they are either good or bad for you depending on how you want to take it.

The thing is using that much sweetener may or may not be bad for you, but using the equivalent amount in real sugar is definitely not the best either.
(quoted from post at 01:23:55 09/23/15) Nu-Stevia is a natural sweetener that is not problematic. it is 200 times sweeter than sugar. Give it a whirl to see if it is a fit with your taste buds. Jim

Some people have issues, including myself. Body pain including bad back ache every time I try it, headache, stomach ache, etc. Also, it is a member of the ragweed family if I recall correctly, anyway, some people are allergic. I do like the taste of it though....

Also Splenda causes severe dry mouth shortly after I try it persisting into the next day. Aspartame is the only one I don't notice anything with, but I rarely use it.
Back in the late 1960s or early 1970s, the FDA banned saccharin. Some time after, cyclamates were also banned. Both were considered to be carcinogens. Later, some time in the 1980s I think, saccharin was allowed back on the market in limited amounts. At first, it was by prescription only. Mostly, diabetics needed artificial sweeteners for dietary and health reasons. These days, artificial sweeteners are commonplace, and they should not be.

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