Video of me plowing my 20 year old CRP


Well-known Member
I bought my farm 5 years ago with 5 years left on the CRP contract. Now that the contract has been fulfilled, I'm trying to get the place back into production. I've got about 80 acres plowed and will plow the other 80 once the rye I'm seeding comes up. Plowing hillsides with a one way plow isn't much fun, especially when the ground is full of ant hills, gopher holes, and 20 year old dead furrows.

It's a poor quality video that I made with my "dumb" phone.
That doesn't look too steep, but I'm sure there are places that are "more rolling" Two questions, 1. What state is that in? 2. I am not famiiar with the term, "CRP contract, what does that stand for?
Conservation Reserve Program - USDA program to pay landowners to keep highly erodible land from being plowed by paying for lost revenue (in theory). Once highly erodible land has been stabilized with sod, is should be carefully managed to retain top soil if plowed.
He is in SW WI. Did they ok the plowing of that large of a tract of ground? I know there
are serious consequences if you don't jump thru their hoops before you do this.Their game
,their rules.
Once the contract is done, I can do what I want. I didn't put it in, but the contracts transfer to future owners. I had the NRCS come out and lay out the contour strips in 120 foot widths and Am getting ready to go cropping.

I was looking at on-land plows, thinking they'd be less uncomfortable to pull. Anyone have any experience pulling an on-land plow in contour strips on hillsides?
A lot of CRP flat land here in Ohio. Land that is hard to erode with a bulldozer. Taint about eroding but about people control. Showing the hardest segment of the population to control being farmers can be controlled if you pay them to do nothing. In a lot of cases it costs more to put the land back into production than the land owner got for taking two ten year contracts when taking out the cost of seeding and mowing a third of it a year. Some places where large tile broke down there is holes big enough to bury a semi.
CRP Conservation Reserve Program. It was a long term program where the USDA paid you an annual fee per acre to leave the land in unharvested grassland.

Some contracts with the government were 10 years, some were 15. Some land was put in CRP 30 years ago for a 10 year period and renewed 2 times.

A lot of CRP land was taken out of the program the last 5 years, when the contracts expired cause of the high grain prices.

New sign up for CRP is one the way.

It rained 5 inches last night, so it'll be awhile before I get back down there.

Here's the next step -


And then drill the rye.
what is that piece of eq called? 4640 on a 5 bottom that's enough, I pulled a six bottom land plow with 4840 a lot less control than a semi-mount, land plow keeps me from taking a duel on and off
It's a Maschio 4m (13ft) power harrow. Lely Roterras are power harrows, but this machine could eat a lely. Lelys were too light to go through rocky ground. This machine does much better with rocks. I've gone through the sod without plowing, but it takes a huge amount of HP.


This is why I plunked down a pile of money for it. I disked this ground 3 times with diminishing effect each pass and was still very unhappy with how it looked. 10 more passes wouldn't have made it nice. One pass with the power harrow made a world of difference. I should be able to straight into the plowed ground and skip the pass with the disk now.

Looks Great...!!

With all the sweeping turns, I'd think it took a good while to Stake-out and Mark for Head-Land position..!!

That took some fore-thought..!!

Didn't see the 720 ....

(quoted from post at 01:18:26 10/28/15) I bought my farm 5 years ago with 5 years left on the CRP contract. Now that the contract has been fulfilled, I'm trying to get the place back into production. I've got about 80 acres plowed and will plow the other 80 once the rye I'm seeding comes up. Plowing hillsides with a one way plow isn't much fun, especially when the ground is full of ant hills, gopher holes, and 20 year old dead furrows.

It's a poor quality video that I made with my "dumb" phone.

Where in SW WI. are you located. I'm near Belmont.

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