Dog doesn't eat


Well-known Member
We have a dog we picked up from a shelter. Every since we got her she is has been fussy eater. There is nothing wrong with the dog according to the vet, she isn't thin. The breed is called a Saluki. Kind of looks like a Grey Hound. The dog eats a good meal about every 1 1/2 days. The other time she just picks at her food, and eats very little. My wife can't understand why she don't eat. I told her the dog knows what she needs. Any of you have a dog like that? Stan
We had a Chattahoula Hound (spelling) rescue that wouldn't eat. We had to doctor up her food all the time and she would still just pick at it. The more exercise she got, the more she would eat. This was one of my wife's horse back riding dogs and she would get a lot of exercise. She was really bad about eating when we first got her but as she started to become part of the family she did get better. You may just need to find the "trigger" that will get her to eat or not eat. The dog would eat better when you weren't standing there looking at her. If you haven't had her very long I would just give the dog time and keep looking for that "trigger". You never know how the dog was treated in her/his past home. As a side note, I had a co-worker that had a dog that would not eat until he went to bed. Every night the same thing, feed the dog and it would just ignore the food. The minute the lights went out, the dog would eat. He never did figure out why...
Dogs usually won't overeat. If she eats good at one meal and then picks at her food for a day, are the neighbors feeding her too? My lab puppy eats like that too. My elderly neighbor trained him to bring his newspaper to him, and rewards him with doggy treats. Neighbor through the woods has an autistic child that loves the puppy and the puppy loves her. The girls mother feeds the puppy treats too. If your dog living a secret life that you dont know about?

My doctor wants me to eat like that! Haha!

I hope that your doggy is okay.

Dogs usually won't overeat, or eat too little. If she eats good at one meal and then picks at her food for a day, are the neighbors feeding her too? My lab puppy eats like that too. My elderly neighbor trained him to bring his newspaper to him, and rewards him with doggy treats. Neighbor through the woods has an autistic child that loves the puppy and the puppy loves her. The girl's mother feeds the puppy treats too. Is your dog living a secret life that you don't know about?

My doctor wants me to eat like that! Haha!

I hope that your doggy is okay.

Ours does that too. My wife worries about it but he's healthy and happy so I tell her to leave him alone. They eat when they are hungry.
Definitely a pretty dog. We have a English Setter that is that way. Seems to be fine. My Wife buys the chicken broth that is in a box similar to a milk carton, but smaller and pours a little of that on his food once in awhile and that seems to help. He has been like that for the 3 years we have had him and seems fit, and not skinny.
Probably all is well. They normally eat when they are hungry. Nice dog - Bob
The Saluki is the mascot of Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. The Saluki was the Royal Dog of ancient Egypt. Southern Illinois is often referred to as "Little Eqypt" and has several towns with Egyptian names. Some of the main streets in Carbondale have big dog prints painted on the traffic lanes to guide you to the university.
Wikipedia SIU Salukis
Maybe the dog hates the food you're giving her. Would she eat a pork chop or a chicken tender?

I have a couple of dogs that for years had nothing but Ole Roy dry food. Then the circumstances of my life changed and I switched brands of food for a time. I returned to Ole Roy and they literally went four days without eating until I offered them something else. I had to admit that I wouldn't want the same thing all the time.
(quoted from post at 13:33:44 10/29/15)The dog eats a good meal about every 1 1/2 days. The other time she just picks at her food, and eats very little. Stan

Hard to say as you haven't said how much a good meal is vs. picking. Our dog (11 year old Kerry Blue @ 38lbs) gets two cups if Iams evert day plus a medium dog biscuit at bedtime (after coming in from the "night run").

That's about 1,000 calories (will say on the dog food bag) for a 38# dog.

He's not terribly active, but gets daily exercise . . . just like us!
Give it time to adjust.

Our smooth collie mix has been with us little over two years,
Pretty much same issues as yours.

Really made huge improvements in the last couple of months.

Starting to come around and become a good dog.

Despite what the shelter tells you, no one really knows what they have been through.
My dog eats dry food at night. They ran out of the seafood and I bought the same brand but beef. She did just what you're describing. Found a new supplier that had small sample packets of dry food to try to see if she liked them. The beef based food is the only kind she didn't want to eat. Might try a different type of food.
We have a lab/border collie mix(who knows what else?) that will eat any food anytime. He gets Increased Mobility Science Diet, 4 cups a day. Feed 2 cups 2x a day. Vet says because of his bone structure, not to expect him to live too long. He weighs about 90 lbs., has been up to 106. Best dog I've ever had. Adopted him almost 5 years ago, he is a good one.
The Saluki is a high speed hunting dog. It is one of the fastest dog breeds. Is she getting enough running to buildup a big appetite? Without the running she may not be building up an appetite. I would check for an local Saluki organization and see if they have the same problem with their dogs.
Sorry, got to disagree with this one. I don't know what kind of dogs you are talking about, but the dogs I have had would lick the pattern off a dinner plate trying to get more. If I put a 50 lb. bag of dog food within reach, my dog would eat it until she got sick, regurgitate it, and eat some more. Never had a dog that was disciplined not to overeat.
I've (SWMBO 's) got a cat (no one wants to hear this) that that apparently came on the Mayflower. REAL fussy about grub. Bride is going to visit grandkids soon. Cat may not survive. Cold ? Nah. Sucker is 20.
A friend of mine and I both had dogs and would board each other's dog if we were out of town.
She left for Texas once to visit her aging, ailing dad so I kept her mutt for two weeks.
She told me her dog wouldn't eat for a couple of days after she left.
I went out to eat a night later and brought home some of my meal. There was some gravy with it which I didn't want so I put some in the dog's dish and stirred it in.
Dog ate it right up and was fine after that.
A week later she called and asked about the dog so I told her about the gravy.
she was glad.
Then we talked about her dad and she said he was going downhill and wasn't eating like he should.
So I told her to put some gravy on his food and see if that helped.
When she got back home she said the gravy worked and dad ate it right up and stated eating again.
So I would try the gravy trick. Works on dogs and old men.
Does it like vegetables? I have a Husky/German Shepherd mix that is VERY high energy. She will sneak into the garden to steal stuff if someone forgets to close the gate. She will grab tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, whatever she can find. She will eat all the apples on the ground under my apple tree, and if they are green and haven't fallen yet, she will stand under the tree and bark if someone is outside, until they get one for her. She won't eat the treats you buy in bags, so we give here carrots, green beans, snap peas and cucumbers for treats in the house. She's a real good dog, gets very upset if I don't take her to cut wood with me, which consists of her sitting in the truck with the window opposite of where I am working rolled down.

Our beagle had conned us. He just wouldn't eat what we were giving him. And it was good dog food, can't remember the brand.

So we got worried and were adding scraps to it, plus stirring in beef or chicken broth.

Quite a pain to mix this all up.

One day my wife bought some different food, has some soft chunks, but about 85% hard. Anyway he started snarffing it down. So we realized we had been conned.

So I think the dog realized it too, as he stopped eating.

We just waited him out.

We keep his food bowl and water filled and he eats when and what he wants.

And he aint starved yet.

My black lab weighed over 90 lbs. and ate like a horse never got over weight and lived to be 14 1/2 years old.
We rescued a Beagle-Jack Russell several years ago. This dog would eat all the time if you let him. He has three thing on his mind food, hunting, and sleeping. We are feeding him a food to control his weight.

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