Better than a Golf Cart


Friend sent me this image. Looks like the best way to get around at a tractor show. I love all the details, bedside tool boxes etc.
That's about as innovative and beautiful as they come. Wouldn't it be fun to do something like that if only we had the time and money?
In New Jersey you can't run something like this cause it be Eleegal! When I was a kid you could ride in the back of a pickup. Today you have nothing but busy bodies all over the place. You get caught with a load of kids in the back...HO Boy! Now I have seen the south of the border workers doing it but they are going five miles per hour, and are all grown up,and are clinging all over the truck. I just shake my head anymore.
Pallbearer's coach, maybe. It seats six, and it is quite lavish. Would guess that the compartments on the side would hold a collapsible canopy of some type.
In California is is legal if it has been designed for passengers and has seat belt. It looks good here, some guys have done similar conversions to fire trucks and do weddings and party tours.

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