Ice sneaks up on ya

Gary from Muleshoe

Well-known Member
Be careful walking on the ice, it sneaks up on you. I had just finished shoveling my MIL's driveway yesterday and was going to put shovels in the truck and it got me. I went down hard on my left shoulder and now I am a one armed bandit for a while. Didn't break anything according the doc but it is bruised really bad. I am in a sling for a while, so things will just have to wait. At least I am done shoveling snow for now. Anyone who says they like snow has never had to shovel out of a blizzard. That's how I brought the New Year in. How about you? Happy New Year. Gary
My mother has a pair of those and says they are great. My feet are too big and they don't make them in my size, but I did get a pair of overshoes on eBay that when they arrived I found had metal studs in the sole like a studded tire. They are great on ice but with them on over my regular boots I am not able to run or even walk very fast because of the weight.
Ouch! Forgot you were caught up in the blizzard. I'm far enough east and south it didn't do anything but a dusting of snow.

How's your foot?
Got tired of shoveling when we lived in the Midwest so bought a snow blower; best thing that I ever did for myself.
I fell a couple of weeks ago on a job. I always go to Egoscue on youtube, they have many clinics. I can usually get things working again following a few of their exercises. Wherever you have pain they probably have an answer. DO a YOUTUBE search under EGOSCUE and then what hurts.
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That type of thing is a good reason to have learned how to roller skate and ice skate. Ya I have fallen at times but I also tend to sort of do a dance when I hit a spot of ice etc and stay on my feet.
Hope you did not really hurt your self and just banged your self up a little bit
Those of us down south in Texas don't see ice all that often and it can be sneeky. Before you know what happened your feet are higher than your head. Ouch!
I'm terrified of ice for that very reason. Some years back I went down hard on ice, broke my left collar bone and 3 ribs. I'm extra cautious around it now.
I hope you heal quick. You probably won't be rolling over in bed anytime soon either. My son's business partner is one of those guys who is going wide open all the time, like the energizer bunny on steroids. It seems like he is always going down on the ice or doing a dance with arms flailing to keep from going down. The other day he cracked a rib from going down in the ice for the fourth time. The fifth time is pending. LOL

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