More Practical Use of a Drone

Billy- Did you see him take off running after he hit the nest? Wonder why didn't he just position his truck so he could see from the front seat? Just sit in the cab and enjoy the fun!!!
Yes, funny when you see other peoples places, I tend to notice things like that too, having an appreciation for same.

The ending is more dramatic, for the hornets that is LOL !
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There's another one on youtube, and the guy does that, after setting the cameras, he bumps that nest hard and the ensuing attack is all captured on video, while he sits in the vehicle. Just before or at around 2:00 minutes their attack peaks and you can hear it against the camera, which is then covered in their pheromone.
Click Here
Oh no! Wait until the FAA and PETA see this.

My first encounter with hornets was when I was about five or so. Was with a buddy that knew what they were. I didn't. I followed him and stood by as he whacked the nest with a long 2x4 and ran as I stood there watching him run. Didn't take long for me to find out why he ran. I don't remember how far they followed me, but I got the crap stung out of me. One of them things boys do that make Mom's have gray hair by the time they're thirty.

It was interesting to see how the hornets detected the presence of an alien object--the camera mounted on the tripod just inside the barn door. Even though it is an inanimate thing, they knew it wasn't something that had been there before, and they were just pounding it.

I recognize the the guy wanted to play with his drone and his cameras--and I'm glad he did, because his efforts were very entertaining---but if his purpose was to get rid of the hornets he could easily done so by waiting until dark, taking a big garbage bag with a gasoline-soaked rag inside, and sliding the bag over the nest and tying it around the metal gutter. Fumes would have killed the nest in short order.

There's another very interesting video in the queue following this one, of a guy removing a huge yellow jacket nest from beneath a mobile home.
Last one of those nests we had here was hanging from a maple branch about ten feet in the air. One 12 gauge buck shot shell took care of it but I had to run like he!!. I had plinked at it with my 22 a couple times but not much damage other than to tick them off.

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