OT Backing training

flying H

Wife tried to back out of garage today with door half open. At least her hearing is better than her eyesight. She stopped before a total replacement was called for, but it now has a crease in the two bottom sections. The noise caught her attention. As I was putting it back on the track I was thinking how to have some training to look before backing. I think I will start leaving the seat up all the time. Even if only walking by. Then tell her its only to remind her to look before backing up. Any thoughts? Maybe right it on the under side of the seat?
flying h,

Heck, I've a nephew that is too used to a rear camera, when the door is no longer on screen, it must be ok, right?

Broken door and crushed pickup topper as a lesson. Hope the toilet training goes well.

Tag line a tennis ball to the inside on the door so that it dangles off visibly until the door is up. Jim
Add a limit switch to door that makes when all the way up and lights a bulb that she can see out the windshield. No light- no go.
If anyone old enough to drive hasn't learned to look before backing, I doubt there's much can be done. TDF
I know the feeling, and if you want to borrow a doghouse you can use mine. It should still be warm, but try and have it back by next week lol. My wife backed into the BIL's garage door a clue years ago so the next time we visited I drove and backed up to the door. You should've seen him come running!
Wife hasn't tried that yet, she doesn't drive in enough, hits down button and door breaks wiper motor and bends rear door or pops tailgate and it dents the insulation on the garage door.
I think there a lot of us in the same situation. My wife backed, my almost new 1956 Ford Victoria, in to her dad's pickup, a few days before we got married. She has been denting my vehicles for more than 50years now. It never gets better. I just limit her to an old Toyota Tundra and don't even try to keep it repaired.
Wife and I both back the vehicles into the garage. Easy to see when driving out even half asleep. Started that when living in town and entering the street from the garage with no place to turn around. It was safer to back off of the street then to back into the street. That said, she still managed to back into my f-250 with her Explorer one time. How do you not see that??? New house has the driveway at an angle to the doors due to the hill we built on. Still trying to teach her to line up straight outside the door instead of while backing through the doorway. No paint loss yet anyway.
I cannot see if my garage door is all the way open or not from either inside or outside mirror or turning around looking out back window. I have a rope on the door that I can see from drivers side window and know where it should be hanging if door is all the way open.
I know how some of you all feel. I backed my car into the garage one evening. The ex backed it out the next morning......
At least GAB's problem is an easy fix. Hang a tennis ball on a rope from the ceiling so that ball will just touch the windshield right in front of the driver when she is in far enough.
I have to park outside, SWMBO gets to park inside. Hung a rubber ball on a string to touch windshield, as mentioned below. That leaves room in front of car for working at bench.
I insist that she open door when walking into the garage, BEFORE getting into car, & never start car with door closed. Opener button is next to walk-in door.
There is slight offset in driveway that sometimes gives her a fit, so whenever I have to move her car I back it in & she can drive right out.

Had a friend whose wife kept sideswiping a tree beside the driveway. I asked him one time why he didn't cut the tree down to save on body work. He informed me that was the only thing between the driveway and the house.
mom tried the 'granny backing' method years ago in a 1965 olds 88, dad had to replace the door frame and corner of the garage! it didnt do a thing to the car , what a tank!
I had an issue a couple weeks ago with the FIL van. I opened the door with the opener while in the drivers seat. Evidently when I leaned forward for something, the opener in my vest pocket got squeezed and stopped on the way up. The bottom of the door was out of sight from the mirror. Fortunately I only scuffed the paint above the top brake light. I did put a kink in the bottom section of the door. I could have broke the rear window and more. Felt pretty stupid.
GOSH, that's FUNNY! REALLY funny!

Probably wasn't that funny when you had a hole in the side of your house, though!
I have the BEST wife. But she went to back out the Massey with loader on, and she went forward into all the shelves and supplies. Better than the other way, taking out the door jambs and doors.
I normally back in the drive way, just always have, guess it makes it easier if we have a snow storm & need to move truck
usually after wife comes home from some where, I just hop in her vehicle & turn it around so she can see where she is going
40 years married, I too had a dented garage door, she backed in to my truck once, and backed in to the tree at the end of the drive way ( twice ) just easier to trun her car around LOL
My father-in-law made major backing mistakes TWICE.

Once be backed into his completely closed garage door.

Another time we were there visiting them, but he was heading out to a sale. He whipped his garage door wide open, got in his pickup - threw her in reverse and backed right into OUR pickup in the driveway!

After that little incident, we always parked out by the barn or granary when visiting.
My son was out riding his bike one time and when finished he put the bike up on the top rack of his VW rabbit, He was in a hurry to get home for a date. As he came down the street ,he hit the button to open the door and drove right in.When he got stopped the bike and roof of the VW was destroyed and the whole garage door was on top of the VW !!! DAD, I NEED HELP !

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