cedar tree value

Alive or dead? Diameter at 4' off the ground? Variety of cedar? If you're asking about the value of the log after it is cut I would say you're looking at $10 for fence posts if it is fairly small, like under 10", or more if it is big enough to take to a sawmill.
2-3 wide. alive. yep, sawmill for whatever. The kind, the kind that pops up everywhere you don't want them. ha. They are in my wind break.
If you are talking about 8 feet in circumference 3 or 4 feet above ground and 6 feet 20 feet from ground,it's easly worth $75 delivered to the mill. If you are talking about a tree with limbs starting at ground and trunk quickly tapering,it might bring $10 depending on how abundant cedar are in the area. In north Tx landowners give most cedar away because they are a nusance.
Now around here there are some RED cedar, and that would be nice stuff. Chests, closets, etc. Trouble is there are also Juniper all over the place. They don't even make firewood. Down here we have Batsto Village and every fall they have the country living and small engine show. They have a steam tractor belt driven shingle mill. You put a piece of log about 20 inches long and then the mill slices it up into shingles. They have a big branding iron they burn a logo into them and ask $5.oo each for a take home. Now and then they get hold of a red cedar at they smell great. The rest is that juniper or white cedar. Two years ago they had WAY more wood than people for souviners. They didn't want to leave the logs so they cut everything up and left a huge pile. I loaded up my trailer and got about five squares of shingles for some of my piddle projects. Treated them with Thomsens water seal. I don't know how to tell what is what. How do you tell by looking?
I have been to that show . I saw the Jeffcat chainsaws but did not get to meet the Jeffcat because you weren't at your display. Really cool saws .

Since the tree is alive, and already in your windbreak, I would leave it alone. Cedar trees make excellent windbreaks.
$1100 per Thousand Board Feet here in North Idaho, and that is for Western Red Cedar. 1 log, you will get paid less... Cut them to 16'6", and haul em in!
Also depends whether it is open growth form with a lot of "summer wood." It is the center heart wood that makes it valuable, but to obtain mostly heartwood it must be grown in woods or grove of other close trees which makes for slower growth thus less white summerwood. I am talking eastern red cedar here.
The value can be PRICELESS!
Sometime in the early 70s, I went with my dad to take a load of cedar trees to the local sawmill. I can't remember where he got them or cut them (I was pretty small), but I remember riding in the truck to take them there. Several months later, I remember going with him to pick up the boards. We put them in the hay loft of his barn and the boards stayed there until about 4 years ago. That was when my daughter and I took them out of the barn, hauled them to the high school and she made a cedar chest out of them in the high school wood class.
My dad died when my daughter was less than a year old. She now has a remembrance of him that she helped put together with her own hands.
In this area, it is not uncommon to see Cedar trees with 5' dia. trunks. I have a couple on the back of my property that are over 6' dia. What are they worth ? Don't care.
My wife.would tell they are worthless, she is deathly alergic to cedar and any tree simular to it. Her lungs almost shut down once when she recieved roses that had cedar in the vase to add color. We don't even look at a place if it has any cedar on it.

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