Growing Leaf lettuce inside


Well-known Member
I planted the seeds about a month ago. Planted them in one of those disposable aluminum roasting trays.

This is black-seeded Simpson. Grow lights were full spectrum T-8 Florescent bulbs. Looks like it's gonna make a few salads.

pretty good for indoors. I've never messed with grow lights but the have a place, I'm sure. I have high tunnel
tomatoes, but the earliest I will set out plants in them is April first here in so. IN. With a heater and some grow
lights I could probably grow something in there all fall up to Christmas.
Larry- How did yours turn out in the glass lean-to. I've been thinking about them. Did they make it through the cold snap?
Now Greg show us the "other" plants your growing under lights!!!! LOL

I am actually surprised that the lettuce grew that well indoors. My Mother grows it in boxes on the poach that are elevated for her to reach easier. Just basic raised beds so seasonally.
JD Seller- LOL! Never did like that 'other' stuff. Tried it in college, it just wasn't anything I liked.

I have read that Lettuce is one of the easiest and best suited plants to grow indoors during the colder months. I planted two trays and have more than I can eat so I will take some to my sister in the a.m.

Next, I think I will try iceberg(head) and romaine lettuce.
That is a favorite in my garden, the black seeded simpson,it produces quite well. I had a 'chuck make a den under the back steps, inside the wire. He went after some pig weed, and the other edible, purslane. Eventually he selectively trimmed that lettuce, neatly and a section at time. I finally caught on, but with the concentration of plants, perimeter weeds that were palatable, its almost brilliant the way this pesky critter managed the harvest. I live trapped him and relocated at the far end of our place. That row of lettuce came right back, one of the better producing varieties I've grown here.
Billy NY- Yup, I grew up on Black-seeded Simpson. I like it because you can keep picking it back and it continues to produce. Added bonus....Kill't lettuce with hot bacon grease and vinegar! YUM!
I grow sorrell and celery indoors in the winter to feed our rabbits, pretty successfully. How far away from the lettuce do you have the lamps?
n9lhm- The leaves are almost touching the bulbs during the entire growing cycle. I adjust the fixtures accordingly.

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